Fallas 2023 - Photos and videos


April/2023 We have finished uploading all the photos of the 2023 fallas .

April/2023 Falla Exposición-Mascó. 1st prize special section.

Photos of Falla Exposición-Mascó "Kromatica".

The primary colors face the absence of light. Without her nothing would be possible in Kromática, the land of the origin of colors.

April/2023 Child Falla Convento Jerusalén. 1st prize special section
2nd of talent and grace.

Photos of Child Falla Convento Jerusalén "Tri, three fallas in one".

Tri(3) is a magic number that symbolizes growth and development in life./p>

April/2023 Falla Plaza del Pilar. 2nd prize special section.

Photos of Falla Plaza del Pilar "We will survive".

EIn an Asian theater, Kabuki masks represent the demons of the people within us. Faced with these demons, we find the dreams of each one of us.

April/2023 Child Falla Gaeta-Farnals. 2nd prize special section
1st of talent and grace.

Photos of Child Falla Gaeta-Farnals "...period".

We have reached the point of setting up a children falla that puts the dots on the i./p>

April/2023 Falla Convento Jerusalén. 3rd prize special section.

Photos of Falla Convento Jerusalén "For a fistful of euros".

Over time, everything returns to being like in a town in the Wild West, where everyone fights over a fistful of euros.

April/2023 Child Falla Gayano Lluch. 3rd prize special section

Photos of Child Falla Gayano Lluch "Elementary".

On the foundations of the Earth extend the four elemental kingdoms that sustain the vitality of the planet.

April/2023 Falla Na Jordana. 4th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Na Jordana "Clover earth. Land of hope, faith, love and luck".

The land of clover is an imaginary country where magical four-leaf clovers grow. Whoever discovers them will be happy.

April/2023 Child Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal. 4th prize special section
3rd of talent and grace.

Photos of Child Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal "Roots".

Like a plant, the party grows little by little and its appearance changes over time. Its root is not seen but it is essential.

April/2023 Videos.

We have prepared allvideosof these fallas 2023.
Now we work to upload the photos.

April/2023 Falla Sueca-Azorín. 5th prize special section.
3rd prize of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Sueca-Azorín "Asia...where are we going?".

The social and economic problems are plunging the fallas into a deep crisis and a detachment towards the falla.

April/2023 Child falla Gozalbo-Altea. 5th prize special section

Photos of Child falla Gozalbo-Altea "Blue".

It is a very blue project that wants to value the importance of caring for our oceans.

April/2022 Fallas Section 1st A.

Photos of Fallas Section 1st A. the silver section of the fallas of Valencia.

April/2022 Children fallas 1st section.

Photos of Children fallas 1st section. the silver section of the children fallas of Valencia.

April/2023 Child Falla Plaza de la Reina-S Vicente. 7th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Plaza de la Reina-S Vicente "Valencia make her the crown".

In 1923 the Pontifical Coronation of the Virgen de los Desamparados was celebrated. Highlighted the coronation parade.

April/2023 Falla Regne Valencia. 9th prize special section. 1st of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Regne Valencia "Call it love, call it X".

Love moves mountains, but sex makes them more fun. Because love and sex are the best discoveries of Humanity.

April/2023 Child Falla Exposición-Mascó. 6th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Exposición-Mascó "The Exposición market".

What would a good diet be without the municipal markets? In them you can find the best products of our land.

April/2023 Children fallas sections 2 to 22.

Photos of Children fallas sections 2 to 22. rest of the sections of children fallas of Valencia.

April/2023 Fallas Sections 1B to 8C.

Photos of Fallas Sections 1B to 8C. rest of the sections of fallas of Valencia.

April/2023 Falla Cuba-Azorín. 6th prize special section. 1st of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Cuba-Azorín "Life".

The evolution that each person experiences throughout his life. The phases of human development: childhood, adolescence and maturity.

April/2023 Child falla Ciscar-Burriana. 9th prize special section.

Photos of Child falla Ciscar-Burriana "Cure, cure, healthy cure".

For centuries, traditional medicine is what has cured humanity's diseases.

March/2023 Falla Antiga Campanar. 7th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Antiga Campanar "We are of colors".

The world is colour, we are all colours... and lately we are seeing them come in all colours.

March/2023 Falla Cadarso-Altea. 8th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Cadarso-Altea "Don't stop the Music".

The excesses of life are reflected with the phrase "don't stop the music".

March/2023 Child falla Salvatierra-Amorós. 11th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós "I love you market".

A journey through the evolution of commerce in Valencia, from the Lonja to the Colón market.

March/2023 Child falla Linterna-Na Robella. 10th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Linterna-Na Robella "Toy".

Toys help develop children's personality. They remind us of who we were and who we are.

March/2023 Child Falla Ayuntamiento.

Photos of Child Falla Ayuntamiento "Valencians in dance".

Tour of the traditional dances of the Valencian Community.

March/2023 Falla Ayuntamiento.

Photos of Falla Ayuntamiento "Valencian cardioversion".

The heart of the Valencians speaks of emotions, beats and experiences that create joy and palpitations.

March/2023 Photos of Expo ninot.

Photos of ninots of several sections with special attention to first and special.

February/2023 Updated map of the 2023 Fallas from category 3C to Special. We include the location of special and first category children fallas.