Child Falla Convento Jerusalén

"Tri, three fallas in one"

Artist: Jose Gallego.

Prize: 1st special section.
2nd of talent and grace.

Cost: 45.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Falla Convento Jerusalén

"Tri(3) is a magic number that symbolizes growth and development in life.

A growth that has to do with ingenuity, with know-how and with entrepreneurship.

Making three fallas in one is very original, in each of them the three primary colors predominate: blue, yellow and red. Each ninot represents a word with the prefix TRI: triceratops, trident, triangle... they also represent characters associated with the number 3: the three Wizard Kings, the three Musketeers or the three sad tigers that eat wheat in a wheat field."

TRI "Past, present and future: three tenses to talk about everything you are going to observe.
In red the past is painted, in yellow the present and the future that is to come represented in an intense blue"


falla infantil Convento Jerusalén  2023

the THREE skulls
"What a mess of confusion, so Columbus can't navigate!"

"THREE leaves has a common clover."

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"They are signs of pain from the past that remain on the skin to remember."

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Who has a friend, has a TREasure
"Friendship has a lot of value, which we can consider a treasure."

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"Improve yourself, make an effort and win to succeed in life."

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"On the third known continent they don't know how to play truc. There they play tic tac toe and they appear like that on the falla."

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Third age
"A good reinforced pole is an adapted TRIpod.
A granny knitting the scarf is finishing."

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"The lion of the jungle does not go on foot and with his TRIcycle he is king."

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THREE Musketeers
"The famous musket dogs were one, two and three."

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The three Tenors
"They sing like nightingales and two of them are Spanish."

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"To have a powerful arm, train the TRIceps...and the rest of the body."

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Three-headed dragon
"Three colors for a flag and three heads for a great beast."

"With hunting he has great skill and from the TRIassic he has captured this piece."

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1 + 1 = 3
"Math can fail when nature starts to add."


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"To visit the Cathedral of La Pelota, take a walk down Calle de Pelayo."

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"Bob's best friend really likes posturing."

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Three Little Pigs
"Three piggy feminists fight the wolf in different ways. Three forms of dance to show that women can win against the wolf."

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TRIk toker
"There is a lot of posturing and with filters nobody is ugly. Make a good video with the TRIk-Toc and you can end up being famous."

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"When I grow up I want to be a Civil Guard and a good TRIcorn hat to show off."

"THREE oranges makes a joke that surely you have already felt."

"For origami and craft work, use these advanced level TRIScissors."

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Three sad tigers
"They are sad to think that the fallas are about to end."

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"Not having any gap in the agenda stresses our childhood."

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No more trenches
"Humanity contemplates the ruin and the pain that Ukraine suffers."


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Triadic ballet
"TRIadic Ballet, created in 1922 by Iskar Schlemmer.
It is a ballet that is based on the number THREE"

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"Some ALIENS have 3D vision. THREE eyes to see movies like the latest Avatar."

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Three Marias
"The constellation of the THREE Marias shines at night in the sky for many days"

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"This year we celebrate THREE decades that the ManTRIS TRIumphed and this TRI-crewman and asTRInaut to the Convent has returned."

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"THREE rows of sharp teeth to hit many bites."

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THREE kings of the East
"You have to ask for only THREE gifts: one to share, one to learn and one to enjoy."

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"THREE times do nothing and in the TRIsillo spend time."

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"The THREE TRIangles of TRIgonometry are the basis of geometry."

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TRIvial Poursuit
"Against artificial intelligence this game is no longer the same."

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"A liberating physical force like the one that dries in the washing machine."

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"To enjoy the TRIple of snow you have to throw yourself on a sled."

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The three
"Of the number THREE you have to know that it is prime and also the THIRD."