Artist: David Sánchez Llongo.
Prize: 1st Special Section.
Cost: 160.000 Euros.
Click this link to see Child Falla Exposición-Mascó
"We all have a favorite color. At school we learn to use colored pencils and crayons to express ourselves through drawing.
The primary colors are the warriors 'Blue', 'Magenta' and 'Yellow', who face the absence of light, 'Black'.
'White' is the dragon of light. Without it, nothing would be possible in Kromatica, the land of the origin of colors, where the villages of pictorial techniques are located, such as the town of Las Ceras Manley, the city of Pastel, the town of Watercolor and the Oil complex, where pigments are prepared with oils.
In life there are those who remain blank, others turn purple and many like to turn their rivals green. Those hardest hit by the crisis are black. The yellow press is only interested in celebrity scandals.
LGTBI diversity is represented with the colors of the rainbow. Prince Charming appears a lot in the tabloids."