Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós

"I love you market"

Artist: Javier Alvarez-Sala.

Prize: 11th special section.

Cost: 27.000 Euros.

"A journey through the evolution of commerce in Valencia, from the Lonja to the Colón market.

This historical review begins in the Lonja, the former headquarters of Valencian commerce and its golden age, where the great merchants who came from all the continents passed to exhibit their articles, such as the magnificent silks and new products that came from the Americas recently discovered, which brought so much wealth to Spain and Europe.
In the Mercado de Colón, a great emblem of this falla, we will see how the family of the Count of Salvatierra walks among the market stalls, enjoying each one of them. Each stall has a meaning for numerous families of this falla, since many of them have part of their lives reflected in the Market.
Currently, the Mercado de Colón has been transformed and can be enjoyed through its cafeterias, restaurants and craft stalls."

"On December 24, 1916, Valencia dresses up to attend a unique event: the inauguration of the Colón Market.

From the bullring comes a spectacular parade made up of the municipal guard on horseback, drummers, market vendors, a float with the Queen of the festival and her court of honor, authorities, the Municipal Band of Valencia.. < br>
Upon arriving at the Mercado de Colón, the Counts of Salvatierra cut the inaugural ribbon and toured them for the first time.
Join them and discover with them all the products that the Mercado de Colon offers."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? The silk route begins in the Chinese city of Xian and runs for 9,090 kilometers until it ends at the Valencia Silk Exchange, which is a World Heritage Site."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Do you know in which party you can see the largest exhibition of silks in the world?
In the fallas! Thanks to the Valencian clothing. And it is that each dress is a treasure!"

"Along with the Counts of Salvatierra, the other great protagonist of this story is the person who gives the Market its name: Christopher Columbus.

On the morning of October 12, 1492, Columbus's crew has been sailing for two months and nine days in search of a new route to the Indies. Suddenly a cry: 'land in sight'
Without knowing it, they have just made one of humanity's great discoveries: America!"

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? Without the support of Queen Isabella I the Catholic, Columbus would never have discovered America.
When no one else did, she believed in him and supported the expedition."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? Before discovering America, the greatest experts met to study Columbus's project and their conclusion was... that he was crazy!.
So always chase your dreams!"

"Do you know why it is called America? By Américo Vespucci, an Italian navigator and cartographer who was the first to realize that what Columbus discovered was a new continent... and not the Indies".

"The Valencian Luis Santángel was essential in the discovery of America.
He lent the necessary money for Columbus to start his adventure and convinced the Queen to also support the expedition."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? The crew of Columbus practiced recycling!.
When the 'Santa Maria' sank on Christmas Eve 1492 in Haiti, sailors used the wood to create a fort called 'Navidad'."

"Did you know that...? Columbus made a total of four voyages to America and... died without knowing that he had discovered a new continent!
The poor man thought that America was actually the Indies! ".

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? When Columbus discovered America, the Pope was from Valencia and his name was Alexander VI.

He asked the Catholic Monarchs to send Franciscans to the new world to teach the natives our customs and evangelize them."

"Did you know that...? When the natives saw the discoverers, they thought they were men sent by heaven who had to be served and venerated.
Don't let it happen to you like them! Although we look different, we are all the same!"

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Did you know that...? Potato, tomato, corn, pineapple, pumpkin, peanut, chocolate or paprika are foods that come from America.
Today many of them are essential in the Mediterranean diet."

"Did you know that...? Cocoa is so rich that its discoverers, the Mayans, believed that it belonged to the gods and was a food that they gave them.
And it is that it is to lick your fingers, isn't it?."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"A nice farmer amuses all the children with his pigs, roosters, chickens and ducks.
Did you know that these animals did not exist in America and were taken by Columbus on his second voyage?

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"At the inauguration of the Market, the oven gave away salty breads in honor of Columbus.
Without it, America would not have been discovered, since it was the only food they could eat on the high seas over time."

The Mercado fish market offers fresh produce from the Cabanyal Fish Market.
The counts of Salvatierra smiled happily because now they could buy the best fish next to home and taste it!."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"The Count of Salvatierra, who is a handyman, opens his eyes wide: there is a hardware store in the market!
The things that he will be able to build and fix."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"At the opening, the Mercado flower shop caused a sensation with its beautiful sunflowers.
Do you know what Columbus brought them from America?
The Aztecs used its seeds to make oils, cakes, and dyes."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2023

"Elenita Durá was chosen by popular vote as the Queen of the Feast of the inauguration of the Mercado de Colón.
She presided over the orchard float, accompanied by the bridesmaids."

"Currently the Mercado de Colón is also a meeting place for friends and lovers.
You can order a drink while you laugh with your friends, celebrate with your family or flirt!"