Child Falla Ayuntamiento

"Valencians in dance"

Artist: Ceballos and Sanabria.

Cost: 30.210 Euros.

Click this link to see Falla Ayuntamiento

"Tour of the traditional dances of the Valencian Community.

Ritual dances that have their roots in pagan celebrations and that were Christianized after the reconquest.
The Corpus Christi: the nobility and the bourgeoisie attended the processional parade, while the dances were performed by the townspeople. The dance teacher set the choreographies and recruited the dancers.
Dances in which all the participants dress the same, such as Els Porrots of Silla and Els Tornejants of Algemesí. Dances with different costumes such as Els Balls de moros of Sierra de Mariola or La Moma del Curpus (virtue), which differs from momos (sins). Dances in which the participants dress as their ancestors did, such as the Dansá of la Font de la Figuera or Els balls de plaça of Castellón."

The Bolero of La Alcúdia

The Bolero of La Alcúdia
They carry castanets in their hands and raise them all together. And they lower them capering with their crescent-shaped legs.
While twelve couples dance, they sing, oh mother, the poppies.

The dance of the Viceroy of Ibi

The dance of the Viceroy of Ibi
At the winter festivals there is a popular etiquette dance: the women wear a shawl, and the men wear a dress and a cape.
At the sports center, couples dance and laugh wonderfully!

The great dance of the Font de la Figuera

The great dance of the Font de la Figuera
The children's dance preludes, as does the older one, the reiterated harmony of the great party with splendor.
The castanets, mother as they sound, at night and in the square resound.

The dance of the bigheads

The dance of the bigheads, Corpus Christi of Valencia
Three couples with large heads dance to the sound of the tabalet and dulzaina, dressed in the body and head as Turks, Moors or blacks.
Wow, such big castanets! They don't fit in their hands!

the pomegranate dance

the pomegranate dance, Corpus Christi of Valencia
At the end of a stick a grenade and well-dressed men of gypsies, who weave a membrane around the chosen sticks.
What an elegant dance! The fruit never falls exploding!.

The Muixeranga of Algemesí

The Muixeranga of Algemesí
All the strength of some hands, a whole people embraced making a fist, to raise a great dream before they take it away.
The dulzaina and the wind sounds in silence, makes a caress.

Dance of the ribbons

Dance of the ribbons of Sueca
In the hands of colored ribbons, a ligament-weaving dance of an astral force jumps to the rhythm of tabal and dulzaina.
How beautiful it is to dance for the people, a very beautiful and noble dance!

The dance of Moma

The dance of Moma
The momos, each one has a sin and there are seven, and dressed in white the Moma has touched them one by one, to get evil out of them.
Moma dances with her scepter, graceful as a dove.

child falla ayuntamiento  2023

the new giants
Two new giants have the falla. Uncle Pau, a good conversator of San Isidre, who reaped the grass with great courage with his scythe.
And aunt Rosariet of Cabanyal, known to everyone in the fishing district, a well-known fishmonger.
They are the giant and the giantess, the clear and evident proof of the party that, when he wants, sings and makes the tradition grow.

Dancing of Guadassuar

Dancing of Guadassuar
The town all decked out smiles on days of joyous festivities. No one has tired of dancing or protest music.
In each dance there is a costume, that's how the mayoress orders it!

The dances of La Ermitana

The dances of La Ermitana of Peñíscola
Blue skirt and white shirt with red and green suspenders, the dancers dance frankly and with a shawl the women do not get tired.
In the Plaza del Castllo, a beautiful fervor is reborn every year.

The turners

The turners ofAlgemesí
Dressed in white, seven dancers guard the Virgin and dance, to the sound of the drums and the ribbons that fight.
How they dance the fugue with a skirt that doesn't wrinkle!

the pilgrims

The pilgrims of Carcaixent
Dance of ribbons, all girls, dressed in white skirts, intertwine with well-adorned chains on their wrists.
How they dance with a black hat, light as a horse.

the dance of sticks

the dance of sticks of La Alcudia
It is the eve of a major festival. The peal of the canes sounds and the dancers fill the air of the dances with color, white and blue.
They have found the Virgin and have sheltered her in La Alcudia.

The dance of the arches

The dance of the arches, Corpus Christi of Valencia
Eight happy girls dance, they are dressed as farmers, and with flowered bows they advance making very successful figures.
How happy spring is, they are all together and in a row!

the dance of the horses

The dance of the horses, Corpus Christi ofT Valencia
The children of the parade of the treat act as little horses, a very outstanding dance, acting as pages and riders.
They announce the Three Wise Men at night. How beautiful! It's a lucid dance.

The clubs

The clubs of Silla
The warriors of an ancient lineage dance quickly to a military step, with a club for luggage and a crown on their heads to triumph.
All day they dance down the street, with passion and a festive spirit.