Fallas 2024 - Photos and videos


June/2024 We have finished uploading all the photos of the 2024 fallas .

June/2024 Falla Antiga Campanar. 1st prize special section.

Photos of Falla Antiga Campanar "Climate change".

Despite the deniers, climate change is not a passing issue, it is here to stay.

June/2024 Child Falla Convento Jerusalén. 1st prize special section
2nd of talent and grace.

Photos of Child Falla Convento Jerusalén "Solidarity in action".

The work carried out by NGO volunteers to address numerous social problems.

June/2024 Falla Exposición-Mascó. 2nd prize special section.

Photos of Falla Exposición-Mascó "Sensitive".

Humans have highly developed five senses, although many times it seems meaningless to us.

June/2024 Child Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal. 2nd prize special section

Photos of Child Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal "Who am I?".

Josep is the protagonist. He sometimes forgets things because of Alzheimer's, but every wrinkle on his face hides a special memory.

May/2024 Falla Plaza del Pilar. 3rd prize special section.

Photos of Falla Plaza del Pilar "Voodoo".

Young Maldo had a dream life and family, but everything has changed for the worse. Could he be the victim of a powerful spell?

May/2024 Child falla Gozalbo-Altea. 3rd prize special section

Photos of Child falla Gozalbo-Altea "Jewel".

A jewel is an ornamental object, but it can also be something immaterial that has sentimental value over us.

May/2024 Fallas Section 1st A.

Photos of Fallas Section 1st A. the silver section of the fallas of Valencia.

May/2024 Children fallas 1st section.

Photos of Children fallas 1st section. the silver section of the children fallas of Valencia.

May/2024 Falla Sueca-Azorín. 5th prize special section.
3rd prize of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Sueca-Azorín "Give me a like".

The technological society has put social networks at the forefront. Life in the 21st century cannot be understood without these technological tools.

May/2024 Child Falla Gaeta-Farnals. 4th prize special section
1st of talent and grace.

Photos of Child Falla Gaeta-Farnals "Word".

Each word has a meaning, although sometimes it can have more than one. Each scene is a word that you have to guess.

May/2024 Fallas Sections 1B to 8C.

Photos of Fallas Sections 1B to 8C. rest of the sections of fallas of Valencia.

May/2024 Children fallas sections 2 to 22.

Photos of Children fallas sections 2 to 22. rest of the sections of children fallas of Valencia.

May/2024 Falla Cuba-Azorín. 5th prize special section. 3rd of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Cuba-Azorín "Love me crazy".

In the history of humanity, very lucid figures appear from time to time who have done decisive things in the development of science, literature and art.

May/2024 Videos.

We have prepared allvideosof these fallas 2024.

April/2024 Falla Convento Jerusalén. 6th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Convento Jerusalén "Olimpia".

With the backdrop of classical Greece, new technologies and false messiahs generate all kinds of conflicts between civilizations and peoples.

May/2024 Child falla Ciscar-Burriana. 6th prize special section.
3rd of talent and grace.

Photos of Child falla Ciscar-Burriana "Water of life".

In my readings I have discovered an incredible place, the fountain of youth, which has the most precious thing on the planet: water.

April/2024 Falla Regne Valencia. 7th prize special section. 2nd of talent and grace.

Photos of Falla Regne Valencia "The Regnopolitan Museum".

The most famous artists gather at the opening of the Regnopolitan Museum with their most outstanding works on political, social, cultural and recreational themes.

April/2024 Child Falla Exposición-Mascó. 7th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Exposición-Mascó "Home".

Home is much more than a physical refuge. It is a sacred bond between humanity and the land it inhabits.

April/2024 Falla Cadarso-Altea. 9th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Cadarso-Altea "The reason for unreason".

Historically, war has been justified in a thousand ways. Dying in battle is considered a destiny of greatness, defeating the enemy, a success. But not everyone think the same.".

April/2024 Child Falla Plaza de la Reina-S Vicente. 9th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Plaza de la Reina-S Vicente "Animalencia".

The city of Valencia hides an interesting zoological ecosystem. One is of animated beings and another of inanimate beings in buildings and monuments.

April/2024 Falla Na Jordana. 8th prize special section.

Photos of Falla Na Jordana "Memories of the future".

A citizen of modernist Valencia in 1924 goes to a fortune teller to tell him what the Fallas will be like in a hundred years, in 2024.

April/2024 Child falla Salvatierra-Amorós. 8th prize special section.

Photos of Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós "Roots".

Etymology is the science that studies the origin of words. Some have been preserved intact and others have evolved.

March/2024 Child Falla Ayuntamiento.

Photos of Child Falla Ayuntamiento "Read in green".

Valencia is European Green Capital 2024. Through reading we discover a more sustainable city with more spaces for citizen recreation.

March/2024 Falla Ayuntamiento.

Photos of Falla Ayuntamiento "Two doves, one branch.

Two doves face each other over an olive branch, a symbol of all those who appropriate peace to justify permanent confrontation.


working with the videos and more than 2400 pictures of 90 different fallas.

March/2024 This year we couldn't visit Expo Ninot

March/2024 Fallas pictures this year will take som more time to be posted here.