Falla Sueca-Azorín

"Give me a like"

Artist: Pedro Santaeulalia.

Prize: 4th Special Section.
1st of talent and grace.

Cost: 156.000 Euros.

"The technological society has put social networks at the forefront. Life in the 21st century cannot be understood without these technological tools.

Men and women upload stories of their lives to the internet to get them to like us. Each person's ego is fed by those positive interactions.
Sitting on her throne, the princess hopes to obtain the public's approval by getting many 'likes', but the one that awakens the most sympathy among her followers is her little dog.
The power of influencers lies in the number of followers and views they get: the more they have, the more income they will have from advertising, even if their messages are false and their business proposals are fraudulent. The fallero artist hopes to receive many likes from the jury that will boost him to the first prize. The violence of cyberbullies has no limits and destroys many young people physically and emotionally."

Welcome to the VIRAL KINGDOM
Give me a like "There was a young Princess who wanted to become a great influencer. She tried everything!
But she couldn't get more than 10 likes. Disappointed, she gave up and deleted all of her social media profiles."

"One night when she was bored, she created an account for her dog 'Baby Yoda' and uploaded a video of it. The next morning, the Princess got the surprise of her life when she saw that her dog had more than a million likes. Incredible! "

"The Princess understood that if she wanted to live her great dream she would have to do it... through her dog!"

"In a few months, Instagram, Facebook and X brought the dog Baby Yoda to global fame on a silver platter and gave the Princess the opportunity to be part of the exclusive court of influencers of the Viral Kingdom"

"She soon discovered that even harder than arriving was staying!
To achieve this, the entire court of the Viral Kingdom needs to get millions of likes daily. The life of an influencer is hard. "

"Welcome to the Viral Kingdom, welcome to the fiercest fight to get likes and followers. And remember one very important thing, if you like what you see
Give me a like! "

Her Majesty's Garden
"The king of the Viral Kingdom, Iphonso Pro Max XV, takes his favorite pet, Joanet, for a walk.
He is a very obedient human who is aware of his master twenty-four hours a day in the hope that he will reward him with a like.
We are so obsessed with the virtual universe that we have forgotten the most important thing: living the real world!"

Street market
"Mr. Mojón has become rich by selling on the Internet everything that does not serve him... and lying 'a little'.
Mojón doesn't throw anything away: everything he breaks he sells as 'vintage'. And then there are the 'unique opportunities' that are taken out of your hands, which are very exclusive... counterfeit products.
So you've been warned! It's one thing what you ask for... and quite another for the 'crap' that comes to you!"

Penance: Five Mobile orations
"Cell phone that is in your pocket, hallowed be your inventor, come to me quickly, and may your will be done in bed, eating, at work, with the family, in the bathroom or wherever.
Send us our daily WhatsApp today, and forgive me if I don't answer you, just as we forgive those who don't answer us.
And don't let us fall into the temptation of not paying attention to you when you ring. But do not free me from ignoring you and being your faithful servant. Amen."

Chapel of Santa Tecla
"The faithful queue daily at the chapel of Santa Tecla to ask her to solve the serious problems that torment them.
These are desperate situations such as running out of battery on your cell phone, not having Wi-Fi, being desperate for not being able to use WhatsApp or Instagram due to a fall, being left unseen or not having a response...
May Santa Tecla protect us from all evils!"

Dark Web of the Kingdom (Anonymous)
"The Viral Kingdom has a dark side that hides a 'Dark Web': a clandestine corner that is accessed anonymously and in which prohibited content such as the sale of weapons or pornography surfaces.
Hackers often use it to hijack computers, steal personal data, passwords, credit cards... all for financial gain, revenge or simply to wreak havoc for fun."

Private Suite
"On the Dark Web there are videos of the Kingdom's private suite:
The X star (twitter, bad thinking) Eduardo Strawhands is secretly seeing Alicia, Queen of the Country of the Marranadillas.
Once together they perform their favorite films: they begin with 'Interview with El Pepino', continue with 'Sodomize as you can', and end with the fast-paced 'Jurassic Dust'."

Restricted area: Danger!
"The sale of weapons is what moves the most money on the 'Dark Web', causing many countries to turn wars into their business.
Warlords move freely without fear because they know they are powerful enough to crush anyone who stands in their way with total impunity.
"Gunpowder should only be used to make people vibrate with happiness, as in fallas, not to destroy and kill!"

Court eS-EL-FI
"In the Viral Kingdom, more and more people are losing their minds because of social networks.
You have to be careful because a poorly interpreted publication, an unfortunate comment, a bad photograph, a poorly done dance, an oversight and....
The network court will pass sentence and act as an executioner: CANCELED! eS-EL-FI"

Independent garden
"Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz, in their quest to remain at the head of the government, end up in a large garden: that of independence!.
They have no choice but to go find a person who is hiding here and who has the key to the legislature in his possession: Carles Puigdemont.
He promises to help them in exchange for fulfilling all of his wishes. Will they accept?"

"Of course they accept. Puigdemont's first wish is to be able to return without having been brought to justice.
So, Pedro Sánchez, with the essential collaboration of Yolanda Díaz, has no choice but to begin painting a new portrait of the former president that will help improve his image. 'What a portrait of Spain I painting...' thinks Sánchez as he signs his work, which he calls 'Change of opinion' "

Kingdom Winery
"They say that children and drunks always tell the truth...
Some lies are elaborate and believable, but others are so delusional that they quickly become a meme.
It's the same as having their faces painted, they are willing to do and say whatever is necessary to keep their place and be voted for."

falla Sueca-Azorín 2024

Music room

falla Sueca-Azorín 2024

CIA (Artificial Intelligence Center)
"The CIA is pleased to present the first ninot created by AI.
To do this, a revolutionary computer program has been used in which the 'perfect sum' has been entered to achieve a SURE PARDON at the exhibition. What can go wrong?
Excuse me, are you saying that this ninot is made with Artificial Intelligence? No, it is made with AI: Artistic Intelligence!"