Falla Na Jordana

"Memories of the future"

Artist: Mario Gual.

Prize: 8th Special Section.

Cost: 170.000 Euros.

"A citizen of modernist Valencia in 1924 goes to a fortune teller to tell him what the Fallas will be like in a hundred years, in 2024.

The fortune teller discovers to her amazement a very different party in her crystal ball: the fallas will be so big that they will reach the moon. Instead of human beings, musicians will be robots to be able to meet the demand generated by so many commissions. Firefighters will go to the scene with tanker trucks with wings so they can fly and control the fire from the sky. The pyrotechnician will be a shaman who will create the mascletás and fireworks using augmented reality and without the need to use pyrotechnic material. The Falleras will wear costumes that change color to stand out more than the Fallas themselves.

It is the contrast between the Fallas of yesterday and today. a dystopian future?."

"This year the falla takes us to a time of art and lyricism, to a time called... of 'art nouveau' or modernism.
Following in the wake of Mucha, Darío or Gaudí, we will be the judge who judges them, and we will drink from his poison.
Na Jordana proposes a trip to enjoy, with a joyful falla... the 'memories of the future''."

"It was in 1909 when Valencia celebrated the famous exhibition... leaving remnants of excellence.
Modernism is avant-garde but at the beginning of the 20th century, very fruitful and not at all cowardly, with a beautiful and different style.
We will make luxury a symbol promoted by progress, with the strong French influence, the striking nature... of the taste of the bourgeois client.
Modernism is freedom with an aesthetic aftertaste, rebellion of the artist in art born advanced, which was also rich, classist.
From modernism to deco it passed without problems, with subtle provocation... always the reason for its mottos. "

"She is in the 'Belle Epoque' not in the 'Paris of the boulevards', but in Valencia living the festival of fire... between fallas and banners.
The closure of the Fallas is different from a hundred years ago, Valencia engulfed in flames, it is the greatest spectacle.
We are in 2024 and with the falla they are amazed, the cremá is a beautiful act, which has everyone amazed."

"The curious Fallero wants to know the topic, the ending of the falla... and find out first, whether or not he will win the falla.
The fortune teller tells him: this way you will have the advantage, if you know the message that memory records, from the artist with great courage. "

"Finally converted into a robot to understand that everything changes, and that this is not an illness nor is it a sign of madness.
The pyrotechnician does not find any more fireworks in the city, in this new experience, which he is very dizzy about.
Musicians are like robots, they are not cheap, auctioned, they play well, to everyone's taste... and that, as you know, is worth a lot.
The artist goes with the meter because they have demanded size, as this year's one must be, very pretty and precious and thus he falls into the trap.
Well, it will be an absurd speech to say that we reach the moon, and thus the jurors of the contest will not say anything, because it is an inopportune question."

"Modernism was born and there are examples, Ensanche is not crazy.
Next to the North station or the Central Market, we also have the Colón market, which is undoubtedly masterful.
But we are in the 1910s, a time of great progress, they were happy and at peace... thanks to inventions, great events.
The hands of the clock are always in motion, in a fierce flight... where he wins decisively.
The clock of time is a relentless machine, also a self-confessed scoundrel... that always makes us vulnerable. "

falla na jordana 2024

"He has invented a device to travel through time, and as if it were a miracle, he has given the children a trip."

The urbanism of the future
"The 'pink panther' hurts to see it with so much abandonment and demands restoration; after 40 years, few pay attention to it.
Now they have named a bridge after an old president, who was 'urgent and necessary', without saying why or how... but the treasury paid for it."

falla na jordana 2024

"The gangster with the 'baguette' thinks he's the 'king of France'. Allow us the joke, he wants to leave everything fallow... stealing the old way."

falla na jordana 2024

"The mayor then ruled with pontificated power, wanting to make El Cabanyal a great stupidity... which was not even half normal.
And Rita from heaven sponsors Catalá, because she has started very well, and she tells her... 'thank you maja for the tip'.
Afterwards, that neighborhood became a center of culture, when the nonsense was stopped, along with usury, and dignity was then defeated."

falla na jordana 2024

The Falleras of the future
"Being the most desperate being a victim of protocol, she cannot say what she wants...she is a prisoner of the position. Like Lempicka's painting, the woman with arrogance, she has acquired command, and that upsets many.

Currently, the candidates to be part of the Court wear attributes and robes, where you exclaim: Wow, how strong! Today is the Parcheesi contest, tomorrow is cultural week, they go from house to house, without ever losing their charm.

They go in front of the artifact that is the official one, since the life of a fallera is written in the contract.

This empowered woman is no longer the vase of before, like that tired romance, of always looking dressed up.

The councilor has a hell of a time about to be run over, because times have changed, and he is the center of the disputes. "

falla na jordana 2024

"The flag is a fabric and like that there is more, you have to be cautious, not believe the hype, which makes you excessively patriotic.
Jewelry is striking and attracts the most fashionable, be it necklaces or bracelets, do not despair about them: they do not bring happiness.

Flags, jewelry, money, are worth little if you look closely, even if they are heavy, in the end you have nothing left... of everything you long for.
And money usually does harm: it causes misfortunes, since it is similar to salt, which is a precious mineral, if you spend it, but in moderation. "

"The ideas, butterflies, that we see flying through the sky, are not easy to hunt, whether bad or good, it is difficult to move forward.
We also see Modest's finishes in Na Jordana, which were all filigree... and many of them often awarded, despite censorship. "

"He was a very great artist despite his name: Modest. He began and was very ready, drawing, modeling clay, in the art of fallaes.
Nowadays everything is softer and criticism is mild, nothing strong, wit remains half dead, everything is goodness and peace... satire is not remembered."

falla na jordana 2024

The fallas of the future
"Is everything invented today? Suggests the character, who is first a savage, very surly and quite crazy.
Since the Middle Ages, he says that everything is always the same, being poor will be normal... except for those who have the power."

falla na jordana 2024

"Immaterial things are valuable, priceless, and in the end fundamental... much better than false speech, full of medals, trophies.
Art, values and traditions that we must promote, take care of, because they carry the emotions, of those old songs... that no one wants to kidnap.
And our language is transportation as well as identity, it is a living and strong feeling, and we have to give it support, like good children, to do it good.
And anyone who does not believe that languages are treasures, and good sense never recognizes, to make it disappear, distrust. "

The politics of the future
"Everyone wants to suck from the boat but some are the chimera, and they fight for a few votes... which then make a mess.

The woman here expresses herself without further contemplation, distancing herself from the rest... conservatives and buffoons. The parties are vermin, birds of bad omen, who are united in pairs, in order to obtain the profit.
The PSOE and Compromís ruled in two parts, to divide the cake... and they also ended up fed up. And in current times he is a pure conservative, and detractor of progress, of VOX he can be, at all neutral. "

falla na jordana 2024

"This painting was painted by Luis Dubón, a great artist, and with good work he demonstrated that it was advanced, groundbreaking.
Valencia is a caricature and the trances can be long, Dubón in the grave... he will have very bitter dreams.
Now dressed as a Gothic man, raising his voice he continues, he has no tail as a demon... but where did that come from?
The pact with the extreme right could be expensive for the PP... and they could eat with a spoon, VOX soups to be agreed upon."

falla na jordana 2024

The fashion of the future
"The fashion with the fallaras has gone 'from cat to rabbit', the changes in these lands... are reflected in this mirror.
The leitmotiv is beauty, and the very recurring theme, nature that enchants, with the grace of ornament.
His degree of 'fallerio' is linked to the pomp val, and that seems like a 'delirium', which scares the most talented."