Falla Exposición-Mascó


Artist: David Sánchez Llongo.

Prize: 2nd Special Section.

Cost: 182.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Child Falla Exposición-Mascó

" Humans have highly developed five senses, although many times it seems meaningless to us.

Woman, as a source of life, invites us to better understand the five senses.
Sight: when we are in love we blind ourselves and we do not see the defects of those beings for which we are blind with love.
Ear: fallas are a party in which we tend to play by ear, transmitting unfounded rumors loaded with the worst hostility.
Smell: something smells bad in Spanish politics. Frankenstein is the representation of very disparate parties that support the government.
Taste: Mayren Beneyto and Julio Tormo sitting at the table of Valencian high society
Touch: the Spanish women's soccer team touched the sky."

"By putting the five senses at every step, the artist has set up a great falla, that if you come to see it... you will return.
To a society without meaning, Sensitive aims to bring peace to a world with a wounded heart.
Sometimes the juries touch you, and if things don't smell good, they still have many other awards.
La falla traditionally seeks double meaning in each scene, and not to criticize in a brusque way."

"We will begin this Sensitive experience remembering how you can TOUCH the sky."

"Sharpen your eyes and when you SEE eyes nearby, you'll have reached the next stop."

"It is typical of the new generation to talk to them without caring, without showing any reaction
With a lot of 'eye' you have to go, to see if you can get all these sayings right.

"And as you have refined your SIGHT, look for a SAINT LUCIA, and you will stop to see it...".

"Now it's time to put your EAR, more than that, look for a very big one and see how in the fallas you play by EAR."

"Playing it by ear is what the Falleros do, they like to believe rumors, and some would pay a lot of money for them.
Start with 'don't tell anyone' if you want everyone to know right away , and that means it's time to share it."

"And if you want a bonus track, WE LISTEN more than the girl that EAR has it unemployed."

"May Saint Lucia preserve your sight, it was said when seeing well was not a virtue, and that may be, it happens to this artist.
We will speak of a trophy if we look with our hearts at how our lover is, and she who seems to have known love."

"Touch is the sense of touching, and you touch the sky in many ways, to win and also to love.
Touching the sky with your hands must have a special touch, and hugging each other like brothers
It is up to a great man to name, who traveled to heaven before his time, Pedro Cerolo, our hearts were touched."

"Bad SMELL and a lot of SMELL, it continues SMELLING a few steps from where you are..."
"Something in August smelled bad, but it was perfume for Catalonia, while Sanchez was experimenting.
"Some people were very upset about the elections, they couldn't wait until autumn."

"Sometimes the taste is accompanied by a bad SMELL. So behind on the left after taking the photo, in the back you will find the first scene of SMELL"
"We have an infinite number of smells in the world, which make us remember life, before a second passes."

"Behind the ice creams do a TASTE test and see how things taste"
"It's a bad joke to cook paella with chorizo ​​and not even a grain of shame, it's mean from Peru to Godella."

"We have TASTE left to show you and now look at the table on the side where GOOD TASTE reigns"
"In good taste, no one has been able to surpass Mairen, defender of Valencia and its festivities, with Tormo Sanmartín she cannot miss a single morning.
Julio Tormo, always with the festive news, always at his side helping him with a talk, which motivates him to continue working. ".