Child Falla Exposición-Mascó


Artist: Xavier Gurrea.

Prize: 7th special section.

Cost: 30.000 Euros.

"Home is much more than a physical refuge. It is a sacred bond between humanity and the land it inhabits.

The various ways of building reflect cultural diversity and the relationship with the natural world. From the most rustic cabins to the modern skyscraper structures.
In addition to humans, many species of animals also build their homes, using different materials and techniques.
Home is a call to live in harmony with nature."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Barraca - Valencia, Spain
"It serves as a home for farmers.
There are two main types, orchard and fishermen.
The upper floor is accessed with a ladder, and was formerly used for raising silkworms.
The walls are built with adobe bricks and the roof is made with reeds and straw."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Tipi - Timucua, USA.
"Its inhabitants are the Cherokee Indians.
It is a removable conical-shaped tent.
The base is about 5m in diameter.
It is made with wooden sticks that make up the structure, and animal skins.
The entrance faces east, so that the heat enters in winter and the cool in summer."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Hastial house - Amsterdam, Netherlands.
"The name comes from the triangular finial located at the top of the façade, the sides of which have ornamental curves.
They have a hook on which they place pulleys to be able to lift the furniture and introduce it into the rooms, since Its steep stairs make it impossible to climb large objects.
The houses are joined together, built with bricks, painted in colors and with huge windows, in which there are no curtains."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Skyscrapers - Nueva York, USA.
"The largest apartment building in the world is the Central Park Tower in New York.
Although the first was built in the city of Chicago in 1884, the great skyscrapers of New York are the best known worldwide.
Hundreds of families can live in the same high-rise block."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Fantastic houses.
"Do you know who owns these fantastic houses?
Mushroom house. Wonderful lamp. Straw, wood and brick houses."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Mobile home. Home on wheels.
"It is a house with which you can travel around your continent.
It provides the two basic means of traveling: transportation and accommodation.
Although it is very typical to see them on US Route 66, it is actually an English invention from 1885.
The motorhome is used by many families as their habitual residence in the USA."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Cane house - Lake Titicaca, Perú.
"Its inhabitants are the Uros.
The houses are built with a reed called 'totora' that grows in Lake Titicaca.
With the reeds they also build the floating islands where the houses are located.
Each house has only one room.
They also make boats, like the ninot, with which they move between islands and fish."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Great Barrier Reef - Queensland, Australia.
"It is the largest living species on Earth, which is visible from outer space.
It is made up of more than 600 types of hard and soft corals.
It is home to countless species of colorful fish, mollusks and starfish.
It is in danger due to the threat of climate change."

"We call them 'hermit' because they use the shell of some other mollusk to inhabit it. Because of contamination, they sometimes confuse cans, lids, etc. with shells and inhabit them."

"The clownfish receives protection from the anemone thanks to its stinging tentacles. In return, the clownfish defends the anemone from other species."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

"The spider webs serve as a home and to hunt their prey. It is one of the most resistant materials in nature."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Haima - occidental Sahara. "It can be easily dismantled, because it is used by nomadic desert people.
There are some ropes to tie the peaks of the haima to nails in the ground, so it stays there even if there is wind.
There is no furniture, to eat they place the plates on the floor on rugs.
Shoes are left at the entrance."

Desert, home of the Sandfish. "It is a type of reptile that digs burrows in the sand and navigates through it very easily because it seems to swim in the sand, hence its name."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Mud house - Tiebele, Burkina Faso. "The facades are decorated by women, who meet in groups to paint them.
The colors are obtained from red earth, ash, or cow dung.
They are built with local materials, especially clay.
The houses are placed next to each other forming a circle."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Home. "It can be more than a physical space to inhabit, it is a place where you are safe, it is family.
Home is you, mom."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Japanese house - Tokio, Japan. "It is made of wood and the rooms do not have a lock, you have to ask permission to enter.
They call the floor Tatami and it is made of reeds.
The partitions that separate the rooms are sliding and made of paper.
It has almost no furniture.
It is decorated with a fluton, which is a mattress that is put away in the morning and leaves a spacious room."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Tree, home of many. "Trees are home to many animals. Protecting them is our duty."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

"Other animals carry their homes on them, like turtles or snails."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Burrow. "Cave built by certain animals, especially rabbits and moles."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Cave. "There are some animals that use caves as their home, like the bat."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Posidonia. "Sometimes confused with an algae, Posidonia is an underwater plant that is only found in the Mediterranean Sea. It is home to many marine species, such as the octopus."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Igloo - Greenland, Denmark. "Its inhabitants are the Eskimos.
The size of the inlet tube is too small to fit a polar bear.
The igloo is built with bricks made of compressed snow.
It shelters you from the cold and heat, but inside you have to be with your coat on.
"It's a temporary residence."

Child Falla Exposición-Mascó  2024

Venetian House - Venice, Italy. "Venice is built on the water and made up of 118 small islands. That is why the houses are narrow and have 2/3 floors.
The main door opens onto a canal, where you can park the gondola by tying it to a wooden pole.
The facades are highly decorated. These houses are true palaces.
A wooden structure is used to build the houses."