Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós


Artist: Borja Lorente.

Prize: 8th special section.

Cost: 29.000 Euros.

"Etymology is the science that studies the origin of words. Some have been preserved intact and others have evolved.

Linguistic roots help us understand the meaning of words. They all have a reason for being, although in most cases we ignore their origin. The gods Ethymus (root of things) and Logia (science) name all the beings of creation, helped by Athenaeus, the god of wisdom. Different characters embody everyday words such as painting, calculation, justice, east, west, salary and falla."


"A present mythological God, by the name of Etimo known, who from etymology is the descendant, paints words."


"Meanwhile, the great goddess Logia serves him new words. She knows a lot about lexicology, but they are still very young."


"Athena is the goddess of precious intelligence, she watches everything and more, and of roots she gives the sentence."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"From the Latin 'iustitia' (the just) we get the word 'justice' of which we find the previous root in the Latin word 'isus' which meant Right. We could say, for example, it is only of justice that this failure wins!."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

Snake (Serptiente)
"From the Latin verb 'serpere', which meant to crawl, 'snakes' are derived to refer to the elongated, legless animals that zigzag over land emitting a hissing sound."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024


Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

Play (jugar)
"Who doesn't like to have fun, make jokes and play with friends? Well, precisely from the Latin word 'iocari', which had these meanings, we derive the current 'jugar'."

Dog (Gos)
"This is the most widespread term in our territory to refer to the four-legged animal that keeps us so much company. Its origin is the expression 'gus' or 'kus', used to shout or direct them."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"The word 'Falla' comes from the Latin 'facula', diminutive of 'fax-facis' which means torch. Thus 'facula' is what the Romans began to call the torches that they lit in the watchtowers, later to any bonfire and currently, to our biggest festival that continues around the fire."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Do you like to listen to melodies, sounds and songs? Then you will be interested to know that the word 'music' comes from the Greek 'mousike' in relation to the Muses, who were goddesses who gave inspiration to artists."

"El lema Roots refers to words and to discover for science its most remote origins.
It is time to go around the falla to see the back and how it details a root that is not altered.."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Can you imagine that instead of paying you with money they paid you with a few grams of salt? That's what happened in the ancient Roman Empire, because 'salary' comes from the Latin 'salarium', a word that designated the amount that soldiers received as payment for their work."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"'Oriens' is the participle of the Latin verb 'oriri' which means to be born or appear, and that is why the current 'east' points us to the place where the sun is born or appears in the morning."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"If the Orient told us the place where the sun rises in the morning, the west shows us the place where the sun sets. 'Occident' comes from the Latin verb 'occidere' which means to fall to the ground or set."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Who doesn't like to take a good nap? This word comes from the Latin 'sixth hour', because in ancient times it corresponded to twelve noon."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024


"This word derives from the Latin 'Phoenix', which, in turn, does so from the Greek 'phoinix'. 'Phoenix' gives its name to a bird that, according to Greek mythology and the Talmud, was reborn from its own ashes after catch fire and burn completely. Don't you find similarities with our fallas?"

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"A young woman is giving a calligraphy lesson, the predominant modern style is well worth the photograph"

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"With an alpha in his hand, which represents the past, a classical man declaims the words of dated roots."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"A woman is the present, she is dressed very modern, she accumulates new words at her side."

"A lot of neologisms flood us from English, for not using arachaisms as legitimate as anyone else."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"The English term 'match' comes from the Old English 'germacea' which meant companion, friend or wife. Nowadays, many people connect through social networks and dating applications, so if they like each other and connect, they say they have made a match."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024


Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Surely you didn't know that the English word 'cookie', comes from the Dutch 'koejke', diminutive of 'koek' (little cake), a word that, in its form, derives from the Dutch 'koke' with the same meaning. How good the coca de llanda is and how annoying the cookies are for us."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Ghosting, borrowed directly from the English 'ghost', describes the action of acting in interpersonal relationships, especially when two people are beginning a romantic relationship, like a ghost, disappearing at any time without giving explanations."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Adapted directly from English and derived from the word 'troll', those green, fat, clumsy and slimy monsters, the verb to troll has appeared, which is used to designate those messages on social networks, blogs or online forums, intended to boycott or hinder the conversation."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

The cloud
"English and new technologies have given us a new meaning for an existing word, 'cloud' which comes from the Latin adjective 'nublus' which means cloudy. We currently use 'the cloud' to store photos, documents and other files online "

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Papyrus has given rise to our current word 'paper'. This owes its name to a plant called 'papyros' that grew in large quantities in ancient greece and from which papyrus sheets were made. Surely the greeks, in turn, they took the word of the Egyptians."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

Xafardear (gossip)
"The Valencian verb 'xafardear' owes its origin to a physical place in our towns and neighborhoods, a place that until just over fifty years ago was essential and essential in our daily lives. We are talking about the 'safareig' (laundry) space where the "The women washed the clothes of the whole family and, at the same time, gossiped to each other about everything that was happening in the town. We don't know how they left the clothes, but they left a neighbor sparkling."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Surely if the origin of this word had been Valencian, today we would say 'xequebó' , but since it hasn't been, we have to imagine a Frenchman trying a chocolate candy and exclaiming: 'oh! c' est bon bon!' Well, this expression gives rise to the name of sweets, 'bonbons' and the compliment we give to someone when we love them, 'you're a bonbon!'."

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

Little mouse
"The name we give to this little animal is very recent. The word 'mouse' is a diminutive of 'rat', a larger animal. The word 'rat' would be created by what these animals do when they gnaw everything they find in their path, therefore, its origin is onomatopoeic."

Shrew (Musaraña)
"From the Latin 'mus araaneus', shrews are insectivorous mammals similar to mice but with a very elongated snout. 'Mus' reminds us of the English word 'mouse' and it refers to exactly that, mouse, and ' araneus' would mean something like 'arachnoid'. Attention, there goes Spider-Mouse!"

Child Falla Salvatierra-Amorós  2024

"Do you like numbers and doing additions and subtractions? Then this will seem curious to you. 'Calculate' derives from the Latin 'calculus' which meant small stone, and who has not used the abacus to start making calculations? The fact of Being able to see and touch numbers has helped us get started in mathematics since ancient times, preventing them from becoming entrenched like a painful kidney stone!"

"The word 'painting' comes from the Latin 'pingere', but do you know what it meant? Taking the color of fruits, and the first artists had to take the pigments and colors from what surrounded them in nature: red of strawberries, the yellow of limes or the green of pears."