Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana

"Water of life"

Artist: Rubén Arcos.

Prize: 6th special section.
3rd of talent and grace.

Cost: 33.000 Euros.

"In my readings I have discovered an incredible place, the fountain of youth, which has the most precious thing on the planet: water.

In Egypt, the goddess Anuket, as a source of life, protects the crops. In Babylon, Isthar purifies spring waters so that they have healing properties. Chalchiuhtlicue was the goddess of water for the Aztecs. In Africa, Yemayá is venerated.
Juan wants to become the explorer Ponce de León to go in search of the fountain of eternal youth. We all seek to rejuvenate ourselves with honey water, coconut water or miraculous water, but aging is the law of life."

"In the middle of the city, between flames and color, the Falla of Eternal Youth speaks to us with fervor. The magical fountain that treasures the secret of eternal youth, guarded by the goddesses with love and gratitude.

The Amazons, with strength and courage, protect the Fountain with their energy. From Africa, Oshun smiles at us with love, bringing life and hope in every drink of fresh water.

An Egyptian goddess, with her ancestral wisdom, venerates the Fountain as a special treasure. Ishtar of Babylon, with her starry cloth, envelops the Fountain with mystery, like a song of the beautiful.

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Eternal water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Valencia water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Coconut water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Honey water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Water of life

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Firemen water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Mineral water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Salt water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Cold water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Running water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Thermal water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Slow water

Child Falla Ciscar-Burriana  2024

Miraculous water