Children Fallas Other Categories

Section 2

Falla: Cuba-Azorín. Title: Small town Prize: 1st Section 2 Artist: Gonzalo Rojas
Falla: Jesús-San Francisco. Title: Ukudla Prize: 2nd Section 2 Artist: José Fuster
Falla: Regne Valencia. Title: A healthy fight Prize: 3rd Section 2 Artist: Mario Pérez
Falla: Serrano-Carlos Cervera. Title: Olé, olé y olé Prize: 4th Section 2 Artist: Ausias Estrugo
Falla: S Vicente-Azatti. Title: On wheels Prize: 5th Section 2 Artist: Santi Muñoz
Falla: Sancho Tello-Chile. Title: Xsystem Prize: 9th Section 2 Artist: Ángel Navarro
child falla Maeztu-Leones 2024

Falla: Maeztu-Leones.
Title: The essential is invisible to the eyes
Prize: 13th Section 2
Artist: Carlos Carsí

child falla  Esteve-Amorós 2024

Falla: Esteve-Amorós.
Title: What do you say
Prize: 16th Section 2
Artist: David Mou

child falla  Pizarro-Amorós 2024

Falla: Pizarro-Amorós.
Title: By the stairs or by the elevator
Prize: no prize Section 2
Artist: Vicente Domínguez

Section 3

Falla: Isabel la católica-Amorós. Title: Flower Prize: 1st Section 3 Artist: Zvonimir Ostoic
Falla: Na Jordana. Title: Courage is achieving everything you set your mind to. Prize: 3rd Section 3 Artist: Sergio Alcañiz
child falla Zapadores 2024

Falla: Zapadores.
Title: Association of monsters that do exist
Prize: 7th Section 3
Artist: Ángel Navarro

child falla Francia-Alfredo Torán 2024

Falla: Francia-Alfredo Torán.
Title: Crazy
Prize: 9th Section 3
Artist: Carlos Herrero

child falla Pie de la cruz-Villarrasa 2024

Falla: Pie de la cruz-Villarrasa.
Title: Valencian monsters
Prize: 12th Section 3
Artist: Tedi Chichanova

Section 4

child falla Alameda-Francia 2024

Falla: Alameda-Francia.
Title: The most beautiful words in the world
Prize: 1st Section 4
Artist: Alex López

child falla San Vicente-Marvá 2024

Falla: San Vicente-Marvá.
Title: Baoshi
Prize: 2nd Section 4
Artist: Jose Fuster

child falla Castellón-Segorbe 2024

Falla: Castellón-Segorbe.
Title: It is possible
Prize: 3rd Section 4
Artist: Fet d'encarrec

Falla: Avenida Oeste. Title: Stargate a gate to the time Prize: 8th Section 4 Artist: Alejandro y Manolo Rubio
child falla Merced 2024

Falla: Merced.
Title: Typical fallas
Prize: 5th Section 4
Artist: Salvador Ferris

child falla Cádiz-Denia 2024

Falla: Cádiz-Denia.
Title: Citius, altius, fortius
Prize: 9th Section 4
Artist: Sevior y Priol Arts

child falla Canarias-Trafalgar 2024

Falla: Canarias-Trafalgar.
Title: Tic, tac
Prize: 11th Section 4
Artist: Santi Muñoz

child falla Fernando el católico-A Guimerá 2024

Falla: Fernando el católico-A Guimerá.
Title: Animal race
Prize: 12th Section 4
Artist: Gotes de Foc

child falla Linterna-Na Robella 2024

Falla: Linterna-Na Robella.
Title: Face to face
Prize: 13th Section 4
Artist: Carlos Herrero

Section 5

child falla J Costa-Burriana 2024

Falla: J Costa-Burriana.
Title: Cross the street
Prize: 2nd Section 5
Artist: David Ojeda

child falla Antiga Campanar 2024

Falla: Antiga Campanar.
Title: Currency exchange
Prize: 4th Section 5
Artist: Ángel Esteban

child falla Regne-Ciscar 2024

Falla: Regne-Ciscar.
Title: Eureka
Prize: 6th Section 5
Artist: Carlos Herrero

child falla Pintor Segrelles 2024

Falla: Pintor Segrelles.
Title: Segrelles arts and wonders
Prize: 9th Section 5
Artist: Daniel Pérez

child falla Mercado Monteolivete 2024

Falla: Mercado Monteolivete.
Title: The creation
Prize: 11th Section 5
Artist: Andreu Sánchez

child falla Maella-Francia 2024

Falla: Maella-Francia.
Title: Every trip is an opportunity
Prize: 12th Section 5
Artist: David Mou

child falla Maeztu-Furió 2024

Falla: Maeztu-Furió.
Title: The tale of the cracked pot
Prize: no prize, Section 5
Artist: Vicente Domínguez

Section 6

Falla: S Abril-Perís y Valero. Title: Ruzafa World Tour Prize: 1st Section 6 Artist: SuperArte Alicante
child falla Cuba-Puerto Rico 2024

Falla: Cuba-Puerto Rico.
Title: Enlightened
Prize: 5th Section 6
Artist: Alex López

child falla Dr Collado 2024

Falla: Dr Collado.
Title: rough sea
Prize: 9th Section 6
Artist: Tedi Chichanova

child falla Cervantes-Padre Jofré 2024

Falla: Cervantes-Padre Jofré.
Title: The story continues
Prize: 11th Section 6
Artist: Isaac Argudo

child falla Cádiz-Centelles 2024

Falla: Cádiz-Centelles.
Title: Ecologic
Prize: 12th Section 6
Artist: Arturo Atienza

child falla Pando-Serrano 2024

Falla: Pando-Serrano.
Title: shhh!
Prize: no prize, Section 6
Artist: Xaume Torrent

Section 7

child falla Mercado Central 2024

Falla: Mercado Central.
Title: La Mercado Band
Prize: 1st Section 7
Artist: Joaquín Rubio

child falla Cepeda-Palmireno 2024

Falla: Cepeda-Palmireno.
Title: Things happen in Cepeda
Prize: 5th Section 7
Artist: Mario Gual

child falla CRegne-San Valero 2024

Falla: Regne-San Valero.
Title: Counterflow
Prize: 6th Section 7
Artist: J de Juanes

child falla Albacete-Marvá 2024

Falla: Albacete-Marvá.
Title: The new generation
Prize: no prize, Section 7
Artist: Andreu Sánchez

Section 8

child falla Tomassos-Cervera 2024

Title: Who has a pet
Prize: 6th Section 8
Artist: Paco Hidalgo

child falla Pérez-Oliag 2024

Title: 4th
Prize: 9th Section 8
Artist: Ángel Navarro

child falla Cuba-Perís y Valero 2024

Falla:Cuba-Perís y Valero.
Title: Abracadabra
Prize: no prize, Section 8
Artist: Rodrigo Núñez

child falla Perelló-Santangel 2024

Falla: Perelló-Santangel.
Title: The silk road
Prize: no prize, Section 8
Artist: Fernando Martínez

Section 9

child falla Salamanca-Altea 2024

Falla: Salamanca-Altea.
Title: The dream of Elin
Prize: 6th. Section 9
Artist: Vicente Domínguez

child falla Quart-Palomar 2024

Falla: Quart-Palomar.
Title: Connect, if you can dream it, you can do it
Prize: 7th. Section 9
Artist: Carlos Herrero

child falla Benavente-Germana 2024

Falla: Benavente-Germana.
Title: Adorably monstrous
Prize: 6th. Section 9
Artist: Barraques Art

Section 10

child falla Pelayo-Marzal 2024

Falla: Pelayo-Marzal.
Title: A story of balls
Prize: 2nd Section 10
Artist: Juanma Varó

child falla San Luis-Waksman 2024

Falla: San Luis-Waksman.
Title: Lets go to the market
Prize: no prize, Section 10
Artist: Ramón Lemos

Sections 11, 12 and 13

child falla Cádiz-Azorín 2024

Section: 11
Falla: Cádiz-Azorín.
Title: Do we play?
Prize: 1st Section 11
Artist: Toni Ramos

child falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 2024

Section: 11
Falla: Bolsería-Tros Alt.
Title: Nobody becomes bitter by a candy
Prize: 4th Section 11
Artist: Jesús Liñana

child falla Abril-Pedro el grande 2024

Section: 11
Falla: Abril-Pedro el grande.
Title: Valencia Supers
Prize: 7th Section 11
Artist: Xaume Torrent

child falla Cuba-Buenos Aires 2024

Section: 11
Falla: Cuba-Buenos Aires.
Title: Making Falla
Prize: no prize, Section 11
Artist: Cristian García

child falla Cuba-Denia 2024

Section: 12
Falla: Cuba-Denia.
Title: what will you want
Prize: no prize, Section 12
Artist: Xavi Ureña

child falla Mercado Ruzafa 2024

Section: 13
Falla: Mercado Ruzafa.
Title: Ruzafa on stage
Prize: 2nd Section 13
Artist: Alex López

Secciones 14, 15 y 16

child falla Bailén-Xátiva 2024

Section: 14
Falla: Bailén-Xátiva.
Title: A whole year of celebration
Prize: no prize Section 14
Artist: Paco Cuadros

child falla Pizcueta-Amorós 2024

Section: 15
Falla: Pizcueta-Amorós.
Title: if you do not know..speak chinese
Prize: 5th Section 15
Artist: Carlos Herranz

child falla Vivons-Romeu 2024

Section: 15
Falla: Vivons-Romeu.
Title: The train of joy
Prize: no prize Section 15
Artist: Vicente Zacarés

child falla Aguilar-Perelló 2024

Section: 16
Falla: Aguilar-Perelló.
Title:From the clouds
Prize: 1st Section 16
Artist: Eliot García

Section 18

child falla Calabazas-En Gall 2024

Falla: Calabazas-En Gall.
Title: A star Is Born
Prize: 2nd Section 18
Artist: Alejandro Cano

child falla En Plom-G de Castro 2024

Falla: En Plom-G de Castro.
Title: Movie
Prize: 8th Section 18
Artist: Juan Alberto Navarro

child falla Alta-Santo Tomás 2024

Falla: Alta-Santo Tomás.
Title: The world with a t-shirt
Prize: no prize, Section 18
Artist: Mister Changa

Otras secciones

child falla Cádiz-Femenia 2024

Section: 19
Falla: Cádiz-Femenia.
Title: I see..
Prize: 3rd Section 19
Artist: The Commission

child falla Murillo-Palomar 2024

Section: 19
Falla: Murillo-Palomar.
Title: Get dressed, we're going to party
Prize: 5th Section 19
Artist: Sevior y Priol Arts

child falla Regne-Serrano 2024

Section: 19
Falla: Regne-Serrano.
Title: The Big Bad Wolf
Prize: no prize Section 19
Artist: Ignacio Fernando

child falla Sevilla-Denia 2024

Section: 20
Falla: Sevilla-Denia.
Title: Mandatory animal education
Prize: 7th Section 20
Artist: L'atelier del foc

child falla Oliag-Mariola 2024

Section: 20
Falla: Oliag-Mariola.
Title: A day at the Malvarrosa
Prize: no prize Section 20
Artist: Xavier Herrero

child falla Baja-Morella 2024

Section: 22
Title: The cutest falla
Prize: no prize Section 22
Artist: Vicente Domínguez