Falla Cuba-Azorín

"Love me crazy"

Artist: Vicente Martínez Aparici.

Prize: 5th Special Section.
3rd of talent and grace

Cost: 150.000 Euros.

"In the history of humanity, very lucid figures appear from time to time who have done decisive things in the development of science, literature and art.

The inquisition condemned Galileo. Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, the adventures of a nobleman disturbed by medieval novels of chivalry. Picasso's cubist paintings were a craze that expanded the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century. Queen Juana I of Castile, madly in love with Philip the Fair, was removed from the throne because she was crazy... with love. Extravagant artistic and architectural projects earned Ludwig II of Bavaria the nickname 'the madman'."

El país de los locos
"The Ayuso does not hide and is cutting off all the heads, it is proven that the enemy from within the house will come.
They think that she is the one chosen for a good coexistence, and if you think about it, better there than running a residence. Let's see if she has as much shine if they remove the 'earpiece'."

"Almeida is always in the shadows although he rules in the Capital, and he has decided that every day they will throw a mascletá there.
He has celebrated a political victory in Madrid but to pay for it with promotion he has disguised it.
Even though he was going at full speed, he knows how to handle everything... hard."

"He is waiting in hiding for his turn now that one of the craziest guys from the invented 'Catalan Country' has been released.
He has seen how Puigdemont has been the fundamental piece and surely now he thinks he can be... an international model.< br> Crouching to see the fault... that where you put your eye, you put the bullet."

"Since he escaped, he is the most wanted madman in the world, everyone wants to know if he will return in a trunk.
No matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to deny that his ID says that he is really Spanish.
He fearlessly clings to the amnesty in order to win the game."

The crazy evolution
"They thought Darwin was mentally ill, that evolution did not exist and that everything was invented.
Those who said those things are the ones who at this moment think that the earth is flat and black smoke comes out if you burn the ice .
And it's VOX populi and it's true that they really"

"The genius of an entire generation was the father of 'Cubism', often eccentric but today... who isn't? a falla we should do to talk about his artworks.
Guernica is a sample of the genius that Picasso was."

"Juana La Loca was the Queen but her husband pushed her away, said that she was crazy and that she could not govern.
Later it was her son who did the same, a clear example of a woman who suffered abuse. Her love did not condemn her but family machismo.

falla Cuba-Azorín  2024

Disguising madness
"At first glance we think that nothing is happening, that apparently everything is going well and that life will continue.
But let's stop for a moment, let's pay full attention, let's not judge at first glance, inside is the procession.
Here "He's silently screaming, we'll have to give him a hand."

Baptism of crazy people
"He has finally achieved it, he is now our President, but we cannot criticize him, we have made a pact. We always have to give 100 days of grace, but the counter resets to zero for every mistake they make. And if something is not Well, the fault... of the previous president."

"He had a fixed obsession, of course he had if battle, the first thing he should do would be to destroy the Falla Delegation. And we will tell him one thing now, Vaello, please we ask you, not to continue with the hype, if it occurs to you give advice. If they are not up to the task, maybe I will go to the Culture ones."

"Of the rest of the board we will highlight one person, he is responsible for the galas and the one who has the least... lights. And we say this because of the problem that was found in Fonteta and who would think of asking for light bulbs from Aliexpress? If you want to know...ask, he has been on the Board for 50 years."

"Archbishop Garcés baptizes the child who has just arrived, between specials the game goes on in this Central Board. Nico previously controlled everything without having been the boss, imagine now that he is already the highest authority. THE black spider watches you while he gives. ..the homily."

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"On the extreme right we will give him, in order to please her, half of the parties in our city. The problem comes when Mónica found out that it was not only posturing, she would also have to... work. A master is doing to find out who he was ...Saint Vincent."

Crazy power
"She thinks she's 'crazy' because she doesn't sleep, when the reality is different, that he was already coming from home like that. And he never tells lies either, he just 'changes her mind', let's see if the voters are the ones who change in the elections. And if the economy is better, it will only be because of the amnesty."

"There we see Don Quixote as he goes to war headlong, he thinks that it will be windmills and the reality...he still doesn't know it. He thinks that he has surrounded himself well, in company it is better and those who say: let's go 'together' They are the ones who want to... separate. Pedro, they want to sneak it in, and the worst thing is that you... you know it."

"The faithful squire does not fail, she always has it by her side, all those who stand up to her will end up in the mixed group. She has been cautious, it has not been noticed, but instead of the 'sum', what she does is subtract. Galicia has been a preview of what awaits you in Madrid."

"Creator of our best-known work, Cervantes portrayed a madman with just... one hand! Father of the modern novel, now he would tear his hair out, how is it possible for politicians to imagine themselves with windmills? He was not so misguided if we are talking about politicians."

The crazy woman who rules
"The Mayor of Valencia responded to her partners, she was clear that the accent was sending a blow. The city should evolve and that is why she gave it to the car, to bring it to the pedestrian. And she does not speak in Valencian to the partners don't get angry."

"They hid the government agreement and promised not to agree, but it was all a hoax, they had everything planned. The European Green Capital is our city, but it could be the color of who is governing. The city that does not advance, green is not about hope here."

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"One of the most important artists died very young, a genius of painting with serious mental problems. World-renowned Dutch 'portimpressionist' painter, who would have worried about him, who knows where he would have ended up? Van Gogh is a clear example, from madness to art there is only one step."
"But we are going to be careful, here we don't want to generalize and we don't want to put them in the same bag either. Artists have a point that sometimes makes you think, has this one drink? Or is that how he already came from home? Not about musicians we want to talk, we don't want to end up in prison."


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"Let's see how she explains to him that the relationship is complicated, that when the child looks at her he will say mom and grandma at the same time. In itself it's ethical, we're not going to get into it, we're not into... arguing."

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"In the middle of a celebration, Rubiales of machismo he showed, he brought the worst face... and his eyes wandering. Making a fool of himself around the world for being a textbook idiot."

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"They gave him the award for best father of the year, although he was also competing for best brother-in-law. Since there are few left, blessed is our luck."

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"El Hormiguero leads daily and here we are not going to criticize, we do not want the production company to call us to threaten. I'm sure he will like it, since it is... real size"

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"She is our Queen, the mother of all the indignant, and we will not be the one to say how she will manifest herself. That she is in Madrid is fortunate because of the... limiter-register."

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"Another who everyone thought was not right in the head, when we owe it to Galileo and his knowledge. He was accused of being a heretic, they were not yet prepared, for the four 'enlightened' fools to question him. Science will be in debt, he was an 'enlightened one'"

falla Cuba-Azorín  2024

"They gave King Ludwig II of Bavaria a nickname, he was known by everyone as their 'Mad King'. There are many stories that say that he wasted his money and also that of all Germans. Now instead of wasting, to Abu Dhabi they're going to rest."