Child Falla Convento Jerusalén

"Solidarity in action"

Artist: Jose Gallego.

Prize: 1st special section.
2nd of talent and grace.

Cost: 54.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Falla Convento Jerusalén

"The work carried out by NGO volunteers to address numerous social problems.

Darío, the protagonist, is a Sun. He is a very solvent boy, with a big heart, and he has gone into action mode to help people who need it. His only intention is to collaborate with those who are most unprotected.
Concerned about the things that happen in society and accompanied by his friends, Darío has founded the NGO 'SOLidarity in action'. He is sure that they will find SOLutions for problems such as loneliness, thus making life more pleasant for older people or people at risk of social exclusion. They offer support and a lot of love to overcome adversity. Is easier than it looks like. They are not alone."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Every stone makes a wall, even if it's just a little bit"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

Darío is a very big sun and his whole heart is solidarity "

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Hope dresses in green, and never disappears from our hearts.
UNICEF works for the little ones with food, housing and health."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Falla solidarity is very great and we always help our neighborhood."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Together and with solidarity we improve the world and make it great.
If you are SOLvent, share."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The tooth fairy pays for the teeth and we save for our NGO."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Sponsor a grandfather and you will now be his grandson"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"There is nothing more honorable in a dog than sharing its bone with others"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Donate blood to our vampire with a gesture of infinite nobility"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"I play to prepare food for the toys in my soup kitchen"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"In our food bank we collect what people need.
This squirrel is a glutton and everyone calls it leech"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The elves of the Full Belly dining room collect food and do a lot of work"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Your blood is abSOLutely useful"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Our nurse Vladimir draws your blood without hurting you and in one breath."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Wally is a little ant that has been lost, help our colony and look for him too."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Don't be alone."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The ecology fairy takes care of the planet every day."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"If we help each other among friends, we will reach the moon"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Selfishness is a way of excluding, as the ogre's friends also do"

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"If you have a big problem in life, you can go to a shelter.
When you are not safe or lose your home, you can take refuge in a shelter."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Anything can happen in dreams, like imagining a pink world."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The selfish ogre does not want to share, we will call him OGROIST from today on."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Danger, ogres loose."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"ONCE was born to help the blind and now it does so with many more people.
The Red Cross is an organization that helps whenever it has the opportunity."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The little animals receive a cure, the elephant needs stitches."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"The church puts its emphasis on helping and transforming the faces in Cáritas."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"For complementary medicine we have PayaSOSpital.
The SOLdiers of Laughter."

Child Falla Convento Jerusalén  2024

"Singles without borders, for truly good sons."