Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal
Falla: Espartero-Ramón y Cajal.
Title: To another with that story!
Prize: 1st Section 1A
Artist: Salva Banyuls y Néstor Ruiz
Falla: Gozalbo-Altea.
Title: Katharsis
Prize: 2nd Section 1A
Artist: David S Llongo
Falla: Esteve-Amorós.
Title: Maliq Sariqa, the king of robberies
Prize: 3rd Section 1A
Artist: Paco Giner
Falla: Ribera-Sta Clara.
Title: Let's dance
Prize: 4th Section 1A
Artist: Miguel Santaeulalia
Falla: Ciscar-Burriana.
Title: Rituals
Prize: 6th Section 1A
Artist: Josué Beitia
Falla: Salvatierra-Amorós.
Title: Meeting point
Prize: 7th Section 1A
Artist: Jose Ramón Devis
Falla: Merced.
Title: At the mercy of fashion
Prize: 9th Section 1A
Artist: Art en Foc
Falla: S Vicente-Azzati.
Title: Swell
Prize: 10th Section 1A
Artist: Pau Soler
Falla: Mercado Central.
Title: Invictus.
Prize: 11th Section 1A
Artist: Palacio y Serra
Falla: Quart-Palomar.
Title: Valencians around the world, we have reached the moon!
Prize: 13th Section 1A
Artist: Paco Torres
Falla: Canarias-Trafalgar.
Title: A fer la mar!
Prize: 14th Section 1A
Artist: Vicente Hernando
Falla Listerna-Na Robella
Falla: Listerna-Na Robella.
Title: Reencounter
Prize: no prize
Artist: Rafa Cheli