- Videos

These are the links for downloading videos of mascletá and fallas. Mascletás are best seen on tv, with much more details, but the sound can only be really feel in the square.

All the videos are filmed by us except a few that are from the old regional channel Canal 9. Videos stored on YouTube.

Videos 2024    
Several videos (10)    
Videos 2023 Videos 2022 Videos 20/21
Several videos (11) Several videos (25) Several videos (29)
Videos 2019 Videos 2018 Videos 2017
Several videos (30) Several videos (26) Several videos (22)
Videos 2016 Videos 2015 Videos 2014
Several videos (26) Several videos (25) Several videos (28)
Videos 2013 Videos 2012 Videos 2011
Several videos (32) Several videos (23) Several videos (31)
Videos 2010 Videos 2009 Videos 2008
Several videos (26) Several videos (26) Several videos (21)
Videos 2007 Videos 2006 Videos 2005
Several videos (19) Several videos (15) Several videos (9)
Videos 2004 Videos 2003 Videos 2002
Mascletá day 19 Mascletá day 17 (c9) Mascletá day 16 (c9)