- Advices -1

Moors and Christians

There are also parades of 'Moros y Cristianos' (moors and christians). The most famous is the parede made by falla 'Almirante Cadarso-Conde Altea'. The day and hour may vary, in previous years was day 19 at 19h. There are chairs along the street that can be used paying. The parade can take a long time.

Another parade, smaller but also nice is that made by falla 'Plaza del Negrito' (near the Virgen square) use to takes place the day 19 at 19h.

Moor parade Falla Cadarso-Altea

See Moor parade in a wider map

Moor parade Falla Plaza del Negrito

See moor parade in a wider map


Are sold everywhere and the price may vary a lot if it's a centrical place or not.

A very good place is Fabián, at Moratin street near Plaza Ayuntamiento. They don't taste like those sold in the street, these are the real pumpkin buñuelos. There is always people queuing to get a table inside or to buy them outside to take away, but it moves fast.

Location of 'Fabián'

See Fabian in a wider map



Is a typical valencian drink, sweet, looks like milk but taste quite different as it's made of tigernuts. It's more for the summer but it's sold throughout the year. The best place for horchata in Valencia is 'Daniel' in Alboraya (a side by side town with Valencia), located just in front of the 'Alboraya-Palmaret' station and also at the Colon market near the center of Valencia.

Other good centric place is Horchatería Santa Catalina, at the Santa Catalina square by the side of Plaza de la Reina square.

Horchata Daniel

See Horchatería Daniel in a wider map

Horchata Daniel at Colón Market

See Horchatería Daniel in a wider map

Horchata Sta Catalina

See Horchatería Sta Catalina in a wider map

Agua de Valencia

Agua de Valencia (water from valencia) is an alcoholic drink made with orange juice and champagne mainly.

Some good places for Agua de Valencia are cafes and bars along Caballeros street and Tossal square.

Agua de Valencia


Are fired continuously by everybody, and more by children. Can be bought only in authorized shops and there are limits of usage according to the age.

A good place for purchasing bangers with great variety is 'El Fallero' at Sueca street, PyroFoc at Cuba street and La petardería at the nearby Cádiz street.

El Fallero and Pyroshopping

See El Fallero and Pyroshopping in a wider map