Child Falla Ayuntamiento

"From neighborhood to neighborhood"

Artist: Ceballos & Sanabria.

Cost: 25.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Falla Ayuntamiento

Click this link to see Video of Child Falla Ayuntamiento

"The city of Valencia with 790,000 inhabitants is divided into 19 districts with 87 neighborhoods. If not all, almost all, are reflected or are cited here guided by the District Police."

"The cities divide their territory into several neighborhood groups that have their own identity. These divisions usually come given by the administration to improve its organization, or by history."

"With the growth of the city, especially in the twentieth century, towns of the Huerta were engulfed by the capital and ceased to be towns with its own municipal government, such as the case of Benicalap, Benimaclet or Patraix among others.                  
Similarly with the expansion to the coast, the maritime towns: Cabañal, Canyameral, Nazareth or Malvarrosa join the city becoming new districts."

Aunt Carmen of Barrio del Carmen does a selfie with the Mercat Central parrot.

aunt Carme

"The aunt Carmen loves getting a selfie with the police watching around the neighborhood every day."

"Fistricts of orchard origin, Benicalap, Benimaclet, La Punta, Albors, Vera, Torrefiel..."

Camp de Vera

Camp de Vera



La Roquetas

La Roqueta

"Museum of San Pio V, Negrito fountain and children playing football, one from Mestalla neighborhood(Valencia CF) and other from Orriols (Levante UD)"

Pla del remei

Pla del remei

Ciudad Universitaria and La Carrasca

Ciudad Universitaria and La Carrasca

Mestalla and Orriols

Mestalla and Orriols

"The neighborhoods with its monuments, its people, its landscapes and its singularities give great cultural and social wealth to the city."

Tormos and Favara

"There are neighborhoods that take their names from any of historic canals that run through its streets."
Tormos and Favara

Na Rovella

Na Rovella

Parotet and Pink Panther

Parotet and Pink Panther

The gulliver of the o Monteolivete district turns 25. The building clock in the port with the maritime neighborhoods Cabañal, Grao, Cañamelar, Nazaret, Malvarrosa and Beteró.

El Grao and maritime neighborhoods

El Grao and maritime neighborhoods



Vara de Quart

Vara de Quart

"On the other hand the city has also created new districts with the urbanization of the territory.
Examples include new housing estates of Sant Pau, the Fallas City with workshops for fallas artists or City of Arts and Sciences artists, along with the most advanced architectures of architect Santiago Calatrava."

Soprano of City of Arts and Sciences

Soprano of City of Arts and Sciences

Fallas city.



ciudad Fallera

Fallas city (Ciudad Fallera)

Campanar and Gran Via

Campanar and Gran Via





"Our city has been important since its foundation in Roman times, keeping its center to this day on the same site.
Around the Roman Forum, where the Cathedral and the Plaza de la Virgen are, appear the main neighborhoods that still retain some of their medieval urban layout.
These neighborhoods are: La Seu, la Xerea, el Mercat, San Francesc..they are what we know as the district of Old City (Ciutat Vella).
Around the historic center are the expansion of the city with neighborhoods like Plá del Remei, around the Colón market or Ruzafa".

La Seu

Neighborhoods of the historic center of Valencia. La Seu

Trinidad y Ruzafa

The Muslim Ruzafa gardener with his hook. Trinity nun next to the Museum San Pio V.

There are neighborhoods with names of saints.

Sant Isidre, Sant Marcelí

Sant Isidre, Sant Marcelí

Fuente de San Luis

Fuente de San Luis



Les Tendetes

Les Tendetes