"Valencia Karaoke"
Artist: Jose Gallego.
Prize: 2nd Sección Especial. 2nd talent and grace.
Click this link to see Falla Cadarso-Altea
Click this link to see Video Child Falla Cadarso-Altea
"Mona's character sings the Valencian popular children's songs."
"Enter and choose one of our typical songs reading his letters: Chiqueta meua que del carrer eres l'amaaa.. .. and others like Ramonet, ... Amaparito, the filla del metge ... Ja ve Sento de ca de la novia ... El tio Pep s'enva Muro... ."
"Cheer up, is the traditional regional Mini-Disco."
"Sol, Solet"
"Sol, solet vine'm a vore vine'm a vore, sol, solet vine'm a vore que tinc fret."
"Sunshine, sunshine come to me , sunshine, sunshine come to me that I have cold."
"Serra de Mariola"
"Serra de Mariola, tota a floretes, tota a floretes si, tota a floretes no, tota a floretes. A on van les 'socarrades' a les fontetes, a les fontetes si, a les fontetes no, a les fontetes. "
"Teh saw of Mariola all with flowers, all with flowers yes, all with flowers not, all with flowers. Where are the 'scorched' going the fountains, the fountains yes, the fountains not, the fountains."
"Alça l'aleta polleta"
"Alça l'aleta polleta. No em picarás polastret, que les chiques d'este poble tenen el geni curtet."
"Lift the flap chick. Naughty chick who the girls in this town have the genie short."
"Ya no canta el capellá porque no li donen una, ni una ni mitja ni cap, ya no canta el capellá. "
"Does not sing the chaplain because do not get one, neither half or anything, does not sing the chaplain"
"La lluna la pruna"
" La Lluna, la pruna, vestida de dol, son pare la crida, sa mare no vol. "
" The Moon, plum, dressed in mourning, her father shouts, her mother does not want."
"Mon pare no te nás"
"Mon pare no te nás, mon pare no te nás, ma mare és chata y a un germanet que tinc i a un germanet que tinc el nas li falta. "
"My father has no nose, my father has no nose, my mother is flat and a little brother i have and a little brother i have has no nose."
"Un dia de pasqua, Pepito plorava perque el cacherulo no se l'empinava. "
"An Easter day, Pepito was crying because cachirulo does not raise."
"Tinc un pel"
"Tinc un pel, tinc un pel, tinc un pel al cul. Yo en tinc dos, yo en tinc dos, que és un més que tu ¡ei!. "
"I have a hair, I have hair, I have a hair on my ass. I have two, I have two, one more than you ¡ei!.."
"Ramonet, si vas a l'hort,porta figues, porta figues! Ramonet, si vas a l'hort, porta figues i ambercors! "
"Ramonet, if you're in the garden, bring figs, brings figs ! Ramonet, if you're in the garden, bring figs and apricots!"
"Plou i fa sol"
"Plou i fa sol, les bruixes es pentínen, Plou i fa sol, les bruixes porten dol. "
"It rains and sunny, the witches are combed, rains and sunny, the witches are in mourning."
"La chata merenguela"
"La chata merenguela , huit, nou, deu, com es tan fina, trico, trico trico trau, com es tan fina lairó, se'n va a Benifayó, lairó. "
"The flat merenguela, eight, nine, ten, as is so fine, trico, trico trico trau , as is so fine lairó, goes to Benifayo, lairó"
"Valencia es la terra de les flors, de la llum i del amor. "
"Valencia is the land of flowers, light and love."
"Maria Rosa"
"Maria Rosa que be estàs, si no t'aprimes no et casaràs, obri la porta carinyo meu que t'ho demane per l'amor de Déu "
"Rosa María how well are you if you don't thin you will not marry, open the door my love i ask for the love of God."
"Chiqueta Meua"
"Chiqueta Meua que del carrer eres l'ama per culpa teua tinc el cor encés en flama "
"My girl that street you are the landalady , because of you I have i have the heart in flame."
"Ya ve Sento"
"Ya ve Sento de ca la novia, ya ve Sento, malhumorat, ya ve Sento contant els passos, carabassa li hauran donat "
"Here comes Sento from home of the bride, here comes Sento, moody, Sento is already counting the steps, pumpkin will have given."
"Amparito, la filla del mestre dieuen que festeja enun foraster. El dumenge, quan va a missa d'onze el nóvio darrere li porta el catret... I com és tan chicoteta meneja el culet. "
"Amparito, teacher's daughter say feasting with an outsider. On Sunday, when going to eleven o'clock mass groom behind brings the chair ... And as is so small wiggles ass."
Last update: May 2013.
Víctor & Ruth