Home Fallas 2012 Fallas Na Jordana
Falla Na Jordana
Artist: Manolo García.
Cost: 150.000 Euros.
Height: 23 metres.
Prize: 6th Special section. 1st talent and grace.
Click this link to see Falla infantile Na Jordana
Click this link to see Video Falla Na Jordana
An homage to that wise man, an exceptional scientist and artist of the Renaissance, showcasing some of his revolutionary inventions.
'Wisdom is the daughter of experience', argued this Italian visionary. And he created his wooden machines with the intention that man should become the center of the universe and dominate the earth, sky and air".
"The issuer of slogans"
"As in Na Jordana we are pacifists, the wide radius of action Machine Gun that the teacher draws in one of his manuscripts, we have become an angry slogans issuer.
Miser Leonardo of great kindness, make a great device to launch slogans. Complaint, appeal, you'd better not resign, shout we are tired of this hypocrisy "
"The tow truck"
"The Leonardo's crane, sure, would succeed in addition to the obsesive tax collection that the City implemented through the orange zone. "
"Crushinggonads Machine"
"The mechanic anvil was designed to take advantage of water power in different uses. Here we use it to appease the gender violence. "
"Ryanair plane"
"We recommend this snail air, a type of Leonardo's helicopter,to a certain man who lives a little to the north and has a way with the lottery"
"Tools for divine speculation"
"Leonardo masterfully illustrates the divine proportion, the work of Luca Pacioli master in geometry. The mathematical tools now, are used for other activities. "
"Leo's estate"
"Wandering through the arcaded square of the fiftheen century, we also find a group of men and women important in the life of Da Vinci. Some are portrayed by the master and others for some contemporary. But, are you sure you they were from that time?"
"Lady with an Ermine."
"Lady with an Ermine was the lover of Sforza, great duke of Milano. The lady t-shirts is a constant hammer in Valencia political spectrum."
"Fray Luca Pacioli."
"Pacioli with Franciscan patience geometric problems solved. Alarte has not found human formula to get his party from the madness."
"César Borgia"
(right)"César Borgia the temperate was condottiere, Vatican Cardinal and Pope's son. Here we have only one Alberto, though not tempered"
"The beautiful Ferronière."
"It's said that his model was a lover of kings. Our Ferronière in the other hand, managed a cultural space, then directed a television entity. Now she is a counselor. "
"Francisco I."
"Francisco I, grat king of France, protected the arts and knolwedge. But in Valencia whe have other kind of Francisco."
"Riot unit"
"Of course, the other also take advantage of the genius of Leonardo. Now that Valencia has been trending topic on social networks thanks to the police repression (cheaper option than the big events), his chariot has been rescued as riot unit. "
"La Al-Buhayra Expurgator"
"The dredge to clear river beds that designed the genius, is here al-buhayra expurgator. Of course, in the polluted lagoon and its surroundings (eg Pinedo) is only mud to dredge."
"León X"
"León X the hedonistic pontiff embodies the Renaissance spirit. Lledó X, the pontiff of the festive, represents the cutback in the money."
"Buffoon" - "Gioconda"
Buffoon-->"He is not russian but RUS. If this seem imposible even it is more incredible, that in the province government orders more"
Gioconda-->"Gioconda is as the wolrd knows her, sweet smile, serene, gentle, friendly. Gioronda on the contrary appeared, with raucous laughter and dental empty"
"Nothing else we have to say about great Leonardo, whe have tolk enough about him. Of Alfonso Grau and the great projects, however, not yet feeling the effects."
"Our hero invented a parachute that did not save any life because it was never used. What if we use it to soften the fall of the fallas budget?"
"Torsional flying"
"Ready to take off why not make use of this device of 1489 to climb to the estates of Barrio del Carmen?. In short, more integrated with the urban fabric and narrow stairs."
"The solution for El Carmen: Leonardo conceived a formidable excavator. You may use cheaper and can shorten the underground construction in our neighborhood."
"The master created the anemometer, a device for measuring wind speed. We convert here at Carminometer (Latin Carminar, expel flatulence), measures ... well, it is easy to see"
Last update: April 2012 Víctor & Ruth