Falla El Pilar


Artist: Paco Torres.

Prize: 2nd Special Section.

Cost: 275.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Video of falla El Pilar

"The occult powers are the ones that rule the world. The chess of life, the important pieces impose their will on the pawns.

The great fortunes run the economy: they own the banks, put in and take out governments, control the press and do business with new technologies. They mark the path to follow according to their own will and always benefiting their interests.

Middle managers protect the privileged. Banks squeeze consumers by mortgaging them for life. Health is at risk due to the proliferation of genetically modified foods.

Pharmaceuticals get rich creating diseases and remedies to cure them. Tech companies are modern spies: they see us and hear us. They have us under control.
Governments manipulate the press at will. Thinking is not profitable."

"This green being has mutated because of the vaccine, he is aggressive and angry from the hundred and first dose. (The Pfizer-Modern mixture promises us eternal life)".

Check to the king
"The crown is no longer divine, it has the status of mortal, we find the Infanta Cristina in another mess.
Sofia flees to the United Kingdom to see the game from afar and Felipe VI with chest pain because of what comes on top of him.
The whole family goes to mass to pray and say the prayers and then hide the money from the commissions in Switzerland."

falla el pilar 2022

"The fierce and unstoppable executioner persecutes the monarchy, dreams of ending the tyranny in Spain and Saudi Arabia."

Check to the king
"He does not take viagra or aspirin, fornication is his law, he does Corinna and the 'vedet' Barbara Rey a favor.
He prefers to live in exile enjoying his fortune, he asks for home delivery, choosing the two-for-one option.
The 'campechano' Emeritus is a star and happy, his position is past but he is present. ".

Check re-mate
"A sad law of life the verdict of a jury leaving a bloody wound in the second classified.
The silver prize always goes to the first loser and with an indecent verdict we even suffer burning in the ass.
It does not matter if the Fallas week is celebrated in March or September, the game ends up being a cheat due to the work of a member.
A great responsibility and at the same time, honor, but better not to be a jury if you don't have a clean heart."

"This criminal on horseback does not work for a second, he loves the vassal and lineage sectors... he is Garzón. "

Check mate
"See the great balance nowadays, it knows no alternation: it leans to one side.
The balance of the Fiesta plays a tough game between falla or orchestra, the question is decided.
We all presume of falla but we prefer the binge and that the liqueur is not lacking until the fridge is emptied."

falla el pilar 2022

"The artist has taken the measure because he has made a new botched job, he has lost everything... even his life and he goes to the 'disaster drawer'.
The frightened artist doesn't even move, but he knows that he will end up devoured if it isn't for the monster, for the bull, alone and ruined.
On the other side of the balance a terrible event is approaching, all hope is vanishing, taking the Festival a new setback.
He is taking the 'measures' well, this gloomy and sinister tailor for resentful Commissions allows 14 meters of record."

falla el pilar 2022

"The protest defending the 'monument' that seems to bother or has become insignificant is useless.
The Party has made a feint of professional footballer putting in value the look: the most grandiose and colossal.
Little is said about artists but rivers of ink are written when the protagonist is the look: how can we not be pessimistic?

"As in any roulette, the bank also wins, if he doesn't steal with a machine gun, he will surely go bankrupt. (If you don't know how to use the cashier, take your revenge on the board)"

Check local
"Two women with a happy life but with a troubled past offer us 'everything black', yes...well disinfected!.
The 'Nazi-tario' passport is showed in the complete and extraordinary service full of curiosity and vice.
Joan Ribó passes by smiling, happy and optimistic, completely ignoring the abolition, as is the socialist mandate.
Since the mayor is a good person, he doesn't even pay attention to panties, he offers them a 'decent' job to act as Magical Queens.
At the top is hidden the great camel and pimp, with Ábalos he has a good friendship because they both have plenty of shamelessness.
It is the quintessential Old-womb neighborhood of silk, today a place of junkies and whoremongers fighting over a coin.
Walking down Viana street on the corner of Roger de Flor, a Valencian picture that most resembles Mordor."

"We will play with honor and intelligence because the key is to be a good strategist, with the Valencia Special Section the word 'colleague' loses its meaning.
Everyone dreams of the feat and proclaiming themselves champions, they will throw a great party... for ovaries and for balls!
The start of the game will start wishing everyone good luck, some will risk their lives, others will be sentenced to death. (We want to inform the jury that a tie does not work here).
'Check' has as its motto this year the catafalque of El Pilar, where we will use any stratagem in order to win. "

Check to sanity
"They were looking for a new home that was 'cool' and they had to return when they couldn't find any neurons. (They were considering the invasion, but we are already in extinction)."

Check to the planet
"In this colossal game you make the bets that the New World Order gives us the answers.
They have discarded chess for a gentler sport, between drinks and cognacs a hostile atmosphere is breathed. Bowling they play the game to control the planet, cartoon world leaders who invite the stampede."

falla el pilar 2022

"Xin Jinping, from China controls the 'Davos Forum', usually does what comes out of the 'tail'.
Joe Biden is already older and because of his age he kneels, for Xin it is an honor to see how he eats his c ... "

falla el pilar 2022

"Putin threatens the blackout and leaving us without light, making stock of candles in bulk is cheaper than consumption."

Check to the country
"They like to give lessons for moral supremacy, they know how to play the balls... and the ovaries alike!
The couple is content in their resilient garden, they water the 2030 Agenda: of the devil is an invention.
The garden cultivates taxes that increase without notice, in order to approve the budgets that make Pedro submissive.
Pedro celebrates his luck for having Yolanda by his side, now together they cultivate a garden but it is pure propaganda.
Pedro goes around the world with an irresistible smile aboard his Falcon, which doesn't use fuel.
Yolanda declares herself an atheist, since she is a communist, she suffers from diarrhea attacks of Vatican emotion. "

"The situation is very fucked but they have to survive, they appreciate any help showing us a smile.
Oranges and tangerines suffer from extreme forgetfulness, loaded with vitamins, they are not even suitable for fertilizer.
The farmers demand a hand, they are ignored by the institutions, the most famous Valencian product dies slowly in the fields."

falla el pilar 2022

"The aid that Europe gives, more than aid, is a risk: they will have to be spent on drugs, on 'good' whores and on shellfish.
They make policies with an 'eco-friendly' and transversal perspective, with an abusive tax burden that suffocates social classes."

Check the retirement
"Amparo and Pepe, two retirees now new entrepreneurs in the black market employed, as cooks and farmers.
Pep sells 5G oranges with the best connectivity, climbs like a chimpanzee and offers the best quality.
Amparo is a buñolera, of course of pumpkin, very Valencian and fallera, she doesn't care about the 'Gag Law' ".

Check the retirement
"They dreamed of retirement and a utopian golden retirement, a lifetime of trading, for this unhappy end.
They have been left with a pension that doesn't even give for pipes, listening from the corner the sound made by the intestines.
Above them with the scissors we find cutting the government, with vomiting policies that make every day, hell ".

Check shepherd
"Love reigns among all thanks to Josep 'the Cuban' who always puts 'color' and his cheek like a good Christian.
The double yardstick is never applicable here, the common good must be protected: the secret of so much union.
The famous 'Check Pastor' according to the Cuban tradition, devoid of any color and doing what he wants.
The Federation of Special Section is known for the 'Brotherhood' and for the fraternity without equal because united they make a big heart.
Always thinking of everyone and protecting the general interest, no one does what they want.
At home we leave the egos, the agreements are respected, if they call us 'sheep' it is that they are... stunned".