Child Falla Gozalbo-Altea

"It is time to..."

Artist: Sergio Amar.

Prize: 3rd special section.
1st of talent and grace.

Cost: 48.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Video of child falla Gozalbo-Altea

"The passage of time changes customs and way of life. A journey through how humanity has lived through the centuries.
The evolution of society and the progress achieved. Past, present and future. A past to respect and from which to learn, a present in which to feel more and a future to live better and in which to deposit our dreams and hopes."

PRESENT "We have to live the present properly, with hope and a lot of fun, the present is now and it is lived in real time."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Like a snake is cyclical time. It ends up coming back as if it were a friend."

"Accompanied by a group of robots, we want to know everything about history."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"When summer time comes there is no school and the boy laughs."

PAST "The past memories give us, where we will go on a ship that goes fast as a bullet."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The past of our land Jaime I tells us saying 'açó és or-Xata' turned liquid into pleasure."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Playing with the grannies should never be past, they make the time of being children golden."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"In the 30s, time was spent dancing, swing made the hours fly by."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Frida Kahlo painted in the past tense the right that women today have earned"

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Eternal time is part of history, it never comes back but it has a lot of memory."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The old guards the shelf of memory, where he keeps the memories of our history."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Mozart made music a long time ago, which today should be basic in schools."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The witches will decide if your time comes, they will say if you stay out of the game."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Music makes our time pleasant, the slow movement that sounds is kind."
"Time 'presttissimo' like a leopard is fast, when you sing you won't be late."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The 'vivace' movement is very lively throughout, much more than a good father-in-law."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Stop time like Peter Pan did, if they never grow up, they will always be children."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"A whole century is a hundred years, those of us who want to live at least."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Ten years is a decade, of your life is the beginning."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The day will go around the sun, and many things can be done if you want."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"You can lose your keys, a friend or money, mother's love is eternal from diapers."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Eterna will always be Raffaella Carrá, a long time ago, she already had a lot of years."

FUTURE "The future is a very wonderful place where we have to keep dreams, for example, will I have a dog?"

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The SDGs 'sustainable development goal' are 17 and we will see some in this FALLA"

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"A minute is 60 seconds, if you do a really big prank, enough to feel the thunder."
"SDG 11 tells us about sustainable cities, either we take care of them or they will soon be horrible."
"This is the time to take care of the Fallas party, we have enough if it goes back to how it was."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"SDG 4 wants quality education and that we be educated with equality."
"SDG 3 tells us about equality, which is a reality in this falla."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"SDG 15 tells us about an ecosystem and we have not yet reached that issue."
"SDG 14 tells us to take care of the sea and not have to clean it."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"The future time must be built without harming anyone."
"The time to play in winter is little, the days are short but with the snow we play."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"A pink world must be painted and enjoyed all the time of life."

Child falla Gozalbo-Altea  2022

"Time is running out to save the planet, don't you want your house to be clean?"