Child Falla Gayano Lluch


Artist: Sergio Alcañiz.

Prize: 1st special section.

Cost: 52.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Video of child falla Gayano Lluch

"At the beginning of time, mother nature created endless creatures to populate the earth and one with special intellectual capacity: the human race.

Man created technology to progress faster, but it soon got out of hand and became a threat to nature.
New forms of life consume more and more natural resources. But by that way only destruction can be achieved. After decades of confrontations, Nature and Technology understood that only with the union would they achieve a more habitable world.

Balance is essential in order not to destroy ecosystems and achieve a healthier life. That place where there is progress and respect for the environment is Columbus."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

1 The alliance
"Mother Nature can coexist in harmony sharing so much beauty together with Technology."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

1 The alliance
"The new Technology offers you a tender kiss for living in harmony in a sensational world."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

2 new operating system
"With the scissors, the squirrel is going to cut the connection, messing it up with the configuration."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

2 new operating system
"The operating system has to be rebooted sometimes, but not without reason or wildly."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

3 Begúlia
"From this chimerical link sprout some tender sprouts, blooming from the fertile embrace, these nice robots."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

4 Biocenosis
"Thanks to Aloe Vera and other medicinal flowers, Granny, as you see, hopes to cure animals.
Grandmother teaches the grandson such an ancient remedy that can't be found on the internet, and even it is very natural."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

5 The education
"You must learn in the present from the past to improve the future, always attentive to the wise man who will teach you."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

6 Renewable energy
"From the wind, the water and the sun we will bring clean energy because there is a lot of lack of control and the planet is in danger."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

6 Renewable energy
"Just in case you have myopia and want to know why, the colors of the energy tell us where they come from."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

7 The music
"This musical band does not play, I think, because it lacks the essential, the Vizcaíno teacher."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

7 The music
"Lady Bava's band has string and wind instruments, but the rhythm does not end because a drum carries the apprentice."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

8 Transport and mobility
"With drones there is no problem for mobility, respecting the ecosystem whether in the countryside or the city."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

9 The sport
"Thanks, of course, to his tenacity and advances in science, he can run the marathon and finish... the one in Valencia!"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

10 The communication
"Let's hope to speak safely on a regular basis, as they do in the future, a universal language."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

11 Acualumbus
"Any day we will see some extinct species, that's why we demand that some measure be taken."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

12 Bullying
"The monsters in the future, only they will know how to hug, asking for their forgiveness, sure so that together we can play.
If the 'bullying' mortifies you, you must be brave, that the monsters if you are weepy, notice you at the moment."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

13 the barter
"In exchange for four apples to get more culture, to learn more languages and a little more painting"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

15 Rest
"If you're really sleepy, don't listen to reggaeton anymore, which alters the heart a lot and is a noise from another world."

16 canon of beauty
"His weight does not embarrass him and he takes 'selfies' without fear, with this strange cicada as if it were a beautiful treasure."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

17 The television of the future
"If you don't want to be a fool or a crazy robot, listen to Lola and Pau who have a lot of sanity"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

18 bad energy hunters
"Teach the little ones the flames of bad vibrations, dispelling, as you see, the dramas and cloying us with illusions"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

19 break social stigmas
"Thanks to going out on the streets, little by little equality is taking root as it should be in our society"

20 Recycling
"If you have doubts friend, which sometimes is not clear, make a loop on your little finger when you think about recycling"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

20 Recycling
"We have then in the present for recycling colors, warming up our minds a little, before throwing the garbage."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

21 keep the traditions
"As you see, it is fundamental to maintain the traditions, that with paella it is not possible to add wheat or chickpeas"

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

22 family brotherhood
"Here is our commitment to humanity, a family made up of love and brotherhood."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

22 family brotherhood
"Do not look for the difference neither in sex nor in age, enjoying that experience that is to love without evil."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

23 The protection
"Protect and safeguard the family with innocence, from the one who criticizes and brags, when he doesn't even know what love is."

Child falla Gayano Lluch  2022

24 The sustainability
"A more modern and functional sustainable house in the future is possible, like the ones in this catafalque.
The materials of the houses must be more sustainable, betting on those classes that we have more available."