Child Falla Exposición-Mascó

"Mommy. 24 hour service"

Artist: Joan S Blanch.

Prize: 5th special section.
3rd of talent and grace.

Cost: 57.000 Euros.

Click this link to see Falla Exposición-Mascó

"The mothers' service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Mommy, I have poop. Mommy I'm hungry. Mommy, we are late to the ballet. Mommy, I'm bored. Mommy, I want, I want, I want... Mommy, bring me the doll... Mommy, I'm sick. I love you mommy. Mommy, I've hurt. Mommy, can you help me with the homework? Mommy, mommyyyy, mommyyyyy."

"Mommy I'm bored, mommy I haven't been, mommy I'm sick, mommy I have poop...
A without living, all day pending the needs of the children, the husband, the house...."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The dramatic one. Mommy, look what they've done."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The merciless. Mommy you haven't ironed."
"The one who doesn't forgive. Mommy what about the washing machine?"

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The sticky one. Mommy I love you very much, I love you very much, I love you very much."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The disgusting ones. Mom sure has onions, don't fool us."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"Mommy, I'm bored."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"Mommy, the brother scares us."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"Mommy who picks me up?"

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The disobedient one. Mommy, I'll be back at 10 o'clock."
"The obedient one. Mommy I'll be back at 10 o'clock."
"The picky eater. Mommy I think I'm sick."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The far-sighted one. Mommy, thanks for preparing the order."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The artist. Mamii Saturday... performance."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The cowardly one. Mamii they hit me, I don't want to go."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The one who gives more work than he does. Mammiii I help daddy."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The homeless. Mommy we want them to play with us."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The awkward. Mommy, don't make me shut up."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The sneak. Mommy daddy doesn't make it right."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The craving. Mommy we put the nativity scene?."
"The orderer. Mommy the pay."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The clueless one. Mommy I can't find the brush."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"Sign me up for badminton. Mamii I want to be like Carolina Martín."
"The athlete. Mamii Sunday... championship."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The pupae. Mommy itches me a lot."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The forgotten one. Mommy I'm done, who cleans me?"

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The liars. Mommy has been nothing."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The one who signs up for everything. Mommy, this afternoon, Chinese class."
"Those who bribe. Mommy, we've been good."
"The easygoing guy. Mommy, leave me alone."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The one who doesn't know how to stop. Mommy 5 more minutes."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The toucher. Mom I think it's dead."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The unconscious. Mommy sign me up for the falla."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The desperate ones. Mommy has brought his diaper again."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The one that doesn't pay attention. Mommy, yes, I'll eat."

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The dependant. Mommy I have an exam, can you help me?"

falla infantil Exposición-Mascó  2022

"The confined. Mommy I want to leave the house."