Child fallas of first section

Falla El Pilar 1st prize. Title: "United colors of Pilar" Artist: Ceballos y Sanabria
Audrey Hepburn

"Audrey Hepburn became an icon for her elegant style, copied by everyone, who saw how could look like those unreachable Hollywood actresses.
                         Her secret was to know how to combine two colors as different as white and black in a delicate, simple and elegant way. Only two colors that subtly danced to the rhythm of the music, the black defined the figure and gave seriousness to the dress, the white gave that point of light, a perfect combination as night and day.
                         Like herself, Audrey Hepburn"

"The festive harmony of the complementary is like a dance contest in which they compete with each other to see which partner is the best. In the jury, the primary colors, yellow, red and blue observe, value and prepare their verdict."

"With the number one, dance, the combination of more contrast, the acid humor of Miss Lemmon and the overflowing joy of Jacinto Blueberry."

"The second couple is the one that moves the two more equally, since orange and blue to combine well must be at 50% intensity. It is the Valencian Carlota Brown and the Swedish Carmelo Blues."

"And the third couple, composed by Juanita Dinamita and Hogart Green, an explosive combination that is like a big fireball on the dance floor."

"There are the primary colors, the secondary colors and even the tertiary ones, but the most fun are undoubtedly the complementary ones."

"The perfect harmony as many things in life, lies in the relationship of the opposite poles, and that is the complementary colors, two-by-two color combinations that despite their great difference, combine and complement each other perfectly."

"The United Colors of Pilar party brings together great past, present and future artists, who through intense, vivid and vibrant colors are able to express their art and get to thrill us with all their intensity."

"Painters, designers, illustrators, singers and animators who knew how to take the essence of colors and take it to our hearts."

Falla Cadarso-Altea 2nd prize. Title: "A wedding that eclipses" Artist: Enric Ginestar
Falla Amigó-Cuenca 3er prize. Title: "Metaculture" Artist: Fernando Foix
Falla Espartero-R y Cajal 4th prize. Title: "Catching the wind" Artist: David Moreno
Falla J Costa-Altea 5th prize. Title: "Rewind" Artist: Mario Pérez
Falla Mercado Central 6th prize. Title: "Seu, Xerea and Mercado, which party have mounted" Artist: Xavier Ureña
Falla Salvatierra-Amorós 8th prize. Title: "Lets paint" Artist: Grego Acebedo
Falla Esteve-Amorós 9th prize. Title: "Insectarium" Artist: Xavier Gámez
Falla Na Jordana 11th prize. Title: "Nomads, little women at full speed" Artist: Hermanos JJ García