Fallas of other sections

Fallas section 1B

Falla Gaeta-Farnals 1st prize. Title: "Hugs and kisses" Artist: Vicente Llácer
Falla Lo Rat Penat 2nd prize. Title: "The conquest is a party" Artist: Carlos Carsí
falla Amigó-cuenca 2017

Falla Amigó-cuenca 3rd prize.
Title: "Wishes"
Artist: Alejandro Santaeulalia

falla Maeztu-Los Leones  2017

Falla Maeztu-Los Leones 4th prize.
Title: "Water"
Artist: Jose Jarauta

Falla Zapadores5th prize. Title: "The Castratis" Artist: Jose Ramón Devís
falla Pza Pintor Segrelles 2017

Falla Pza Pintor Segrelles 8th prize.
Title: "Songs"
Artist: Jose López

falla Fdo Católico-A Guimerá 2017

Falla Fdo Católico-A Guimerá 11th prize.
Title: "One of pirates"
Artist: Fernando García Ribas

falla Serrano-Fueros 2017

Falla Serrano-Fueros 12th prize.
Title: "Freedom or debauchery?"
Artist: Jose Luis Pascual

Fallas section 2A

falla Jesús-S Franciso 2017

Falla Jesús-S Franciso 2nd prize.
Title: "Temptations"
Artist: Sergio Musoles

falla S Abril-Perís y Valero 2017

Falla S Abril-Perís y Valero 5th prize.
Title: "Shhh"
Artist: Sergio Musoles

falla Industria-Santos 2017

Falla Industria-Santos 7th prize.
Title: "The 7 fallas sins"
Artist: Pasky Roda

Falla Salvatierra-Amorós4th prize. Title: "Theater" Artist: Manolo García
Falla Oloriz-Fabián y Fuero9th prize. Title: "You must have a good look" Artist: Carlos Carsí
Falla Cádiz-Centelles10th prize. Title: "Drowned" Artist: David Sánchez Llongo
falla Cepeda-Palmireno 2017

Falla Cepeda-Palmireno 11th prize.
Title: "Espanius arruinatumm sum"
Artist:Loren Fandos

falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 2017

Falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 12th prize.
Title: "Festero o fallero"
Artist:Latorre y Sanz

falla Cruz-Villarrasa 2017

Falla Cruz-Villarrasa 13th prize.
Title: "Crazy"
Artist: Paco Giner

falla Monteolivete 2017

Falla Monteolivete 14th prize.
Title: "We are revolutionized"
Artist:Xavier Herrero

falla Avda del Oeste 2017

Falla Avda del Oeste 15th prize.
Title: "Eastern proverbs told by a few"
Artist:Manuel Martínez Reig

falla Pizarro-Amorós 2017

Falla Pizarro-Amorós.
Title: "Bad wine"
Artist:Jose Luis Pascual

falla J Costa-Altea 2017

Falla J Costa-Altea.
Title: "Seduction"
Artist:Art en foc

Fallas section 2B

falla Maeztu-Furió 2017

Falla Maeztu-Furió 3rd prize.
Title: "Origins"
Artist:Mario Gual

falla Isabel-Amorós 2017

Falla Isabel-Amorós 6th prize.
Title: "Infidelities"
Artist:Art en foc

falla Reina-Paz 2017

Falla Reina-Paz 7th prize.
Title: "Chess of love"
Artist:Jose Ramón Devís

falla Cervantes-Jofre 2017

Falla Cervantes-Jofre 10th prize.
Title: "We are warriors"
Artist:Rafael y Raúl Martínez

falla Alameda-Francia 2017

Falla Alameda-Francia12th prize.
Title: "Orient express"
Artist:Rafa Ibáñez

falla Dr Collado 2017

Falla Dr Collado.
Title: "Tattoo-art"
Artist:Manuel Martínez Reig

Fallas section 3A

Falla Canarias-Elche1st prize. Title: "In love and in war" Artist: Pasky Roda
falla Serrano-Cervera 2017

Falla Serrano-Cervera 4th prize.
Title: "Simphony 32"
Artist:Sergio Fandos

falla Tomasos-Cervera 2017

Falla Tomasos-Cervera 5th prize.
Title: "Orient me"
Artist:Paco Borja

falla Doctores 2017

Falla Doctores 11th prize.
Title: "You will not make us americans"
Artist:Venancio Cimas

falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal 2017

Falla Espartero-Ramón y Cajal 12th prize.
Title: "That neighborhood shop"
Artist:Jose Ramón Espuig

falla Cuba-P Rico 2017

Falla Cuba-P Rico 13th prize.
Title: "To all noise"
Artist:Paco Borja

falla Cádiz-Femenia 2017

Falla Cádiz-Femenia.
Title: "Our falla"
Artist:La comisión

falla Castellón-Segorbe 2017

Falla Castellón-Segorbe.
Title: "Hipnotik"
Artist:Raúl Martínez

falla Benavente-Germana 2017

Falla Benavente-Germana.
Title: "Inventions"
Artist:Ernesto Cimas

Fallas section 3B

Falla Regne-Ciscar1st prize. Title: "Selling Smoke" Artist: Carlos Carsí

Fallas section 4A

Falla Lope de Vega1st prize. Title: "Sunk" Artist: Pepo Jarauta
falla Regne Valencia-S Valero 2017

Falla Regne Valencia-S Valero 4th prize.
Title: "The 7 capital sins"
Artist:Loren Fandos

falla Cuba-Denia 2017

Falla Cuba-Denia 8th prize.
Title: "From orient to occident"
Artist:David Sánchez Llongo

Fallas section 4B

falla Cádiz-Denia 2017

Falla Cádiz-Denia 2nd prize.
Title: "Made in china"
Artist:Jose Benavent

falla Bailén-Xátiva 2017

Falla Bailén-Xátiva 8th prize.
Title: "Dear"
Artist:Raúl Martínez

falla Perís y Valero-Cuba 2017

Falla Perís y Valero-Cuba.
Title: "How dizzy!"
Artist:Pepe Sales

Fallas section 4C

falla Perelló-Santangel 2017

Falla Perelló-Santangel4th prize.
Title: "Divine at 40"
Artist:Alejandro Oliver

falla Sevilla-Denia 2017

Falla Sevilla-Denia.
Title: "Our house"
Artist:Jose Luis Platero

falla S Vicente-Marvá 2017

Falla S Vicente-Marvá.
Title: "Manipulated"
Artist:Xavi Bonilla

Fallas section 5A

falla Cádiz-Azorín 2017

Falla Cádiz-Azorín. 1st prize
Title: "Ruzafa independent"
Artist:Paco Borja

falla Ramón y Cajal-Benedito 2017

Falla Ramón y Cajal-Benedito 3rd prize.
Title: "Love to first sight"
Artist:Loren Fandos

falla Pelayo-Marzal 2017

Falla Pelayo-Marzal.
Title: "Music please"
Artist:Vicente Albert

falla Aguilar-Perelló 2017

Falla Aguilar-Perelló.
Title: "The 4 seasons"
Artist:Jose Lafarga

falla Cuba-B Aires 2017

Falla Cuba-B Aires.
Title: "España circus"
Artist:Teresa Meliá

falla Albacete-Marvá 2017

Falla Albacete-Marvá.
Title: "In search of the lost mine"
Artist:Jose Luis Gómez

Fallas section 5B

falla Mercado Ruzafa 2017

Falla Mercado Ruzafa1st prize.
Title: "The market nights"
Artist:Art en foc

falla Calabazas-En gall 2017

Falla Calabazas-En gall 2nd prize.
Title: "Lose the head"
Artist:Rodrigo Núñez

Fallas section 5C

falla Pizcueta-Amorós 2017

Falla Pizcueta-Amorós3rd prize.
Title: "Who didnt want to be a child?"
Artist:Fernando Llopis

falla En plom-G de Castro 2017

Falla En plom-G de Castro.
Title: "The curse of the pharao"
Artist:Pedro Espadero

falla Valls-Albesa 2017

Falla Valls-Albesa.
Title: "The worker woman"
Artist:Inmaculada Ibáñez

Fallas section 6A

falla Salamanca-Altea 2017

Falla Salamanca-Altea. 3rd prize.
Title: "Submerged"
Artist:Arturo Vallés

falla Blanquerías 2017

Falla Blanquerías. 7th prize.
Title: "Who can do Aphrodite bad?"
Artist:Antonio Verdugo

Fallas secciones 6B y 6C

falla Pza del Arbol 2017

Falla Pza del Arbol. 1st prize.
Title: "The Carmen feelings"

falla J Costa-Burriana 2017

Falla J Costa-Burriana. 2nd prize.
Title: "Metamorphosis"
Artist:Manuel Algarra

Fallas secciones 7A y 7C

falla Baja-Morella 2017

Falla Baja-Morella.
Title: "Ice creams"
Artist:Jose Luis Gómez

falla Vivons-Corbera 2017

Falla Vivons-Corbera
Title: "Dont you see is red?"
Artist:Fernando Martínez

falla Castro-Triador 2017

Falla Castro-Triador
Title: "Toc toc"
Artist:Sergio Lis