Child fallas of other Section s

Fallas Section 2

Falla Regne Valencia 1st prize. Title: "We willl arrive on time?" Artist: Sergio Musoles
falla Ribera-Sta Clara 2016

Falla Ribera-Sta Clara 3rd prize.
Title: "Anemoi"
Artist: Javier Fernández

falla Lo Rat Penat 2016

Falla Lo Rat Penat 11th prize.
Title: "I love London"
Artist: Angel Navarro

falla Alameda-Francia 2016

Falla Alameda-Francia .
Title: "The sea hides an story"
Artist: Guillermo Rojas

Falla S Vicente-Azzati 6th prize. Title: "Valencia 2116" Artist: Fernando Foix
Falla J Costa-Altea 10th prize. Title: "Small market, what a market" Artist: Cap de suro

Fallas Section 3

falla Isabel-Amorós 2016

Falla Isabel-Amorós 6th prize.
Title: "The new travel around the world"
Artist: Angel Navarro

falla Cuba-Puerto Rico 2016

Falla Cuba-Puerto Rico 7th prize.
Title: "Iluminaria"
Artist: Francisco Martínez

falla Avda Oeste 2016

Falla Avda Oeste 13th prize.
Title: "And today they are quiet"
Artist: Vicente F. Lorenzo

Fallas Section 4

falla Cádiz-Centelles 2016

Falla Cádiz-Centelles 4th prize.
Title: "Puppetry"
Artist: Vicent Torres

falla Pizarro-Amorós 2016

Falla Pizarro-Amorós.
Title: "urban orchard"
Artist: D'art faller

Fallas Section 5

Falla Antiga Campanar 1st prize. Title: "President, I Shrunk the Kids" Artist: Mario Pérez
falla Cervantes-Jofre 2016

Falla Cervantes-Jofre 4th prize.
Section: Fifth
Title: "Let's tell lies"
Artist: Juan Lluch

falla Benavente-Germana 2016

Falla Benavente-Germana 11th prize.
Section: Fifth
Title: "Of silk they are"
Artist: Vicente Gomar

falla Linterna-Na Robella 2016

Falla Linterna-Na Robella 14th prize.
Section: Fifth
Title: "Packages of S Vicente"
Artist: José Luis Platero

falla Pza España 2016

Falla Pza España.
Section: Fifth
Title: "Magician apprentice "
Artist: Vicente Chaveli

Fallas Section 6

Falla S.Abril-Perís y Valero 1st prize. Title: "Making the box" Artist: Angel Navarro

Fallas Section 7

falla  Oloriz-Fabian y Fuero 2016

Falla Oloriz-Fabian y Fuero 1st prize.
Section: Seventh

falla  J.Costa-Burriana 2016

Falla J.Costa-Burriana 8th prize.
Section: Seventh
Title: "Once upon a time"
Artist: Samuel Martínez

falla Dr.Gil-Dr.Vila 2016

Falla Dr.Gil-Dr.Vila.
Section: Seventh
Title: "Little Dragon Pérez"
Artist: Fede Ferrer

Fallas Section 8

falla Zapadores 2016

Falla Zapadores 6th prize.
Section: Eighth
Title: "Recovering toys"
Artist: Angel Navarro

falla Tomasos-Cervera 2016

Falla Tomasos-Cervera.
Section: Eighth
Title: "In inglis pitinglis"
Artist: Vicente F. Lorenzo

Fallas Section 9

falla Castellón-Segorbe 2016

Falla Castellón-Segorbe 4th prize.
Section: Ninth
Title: "Tea time"
Artist: Ximo Foix

falla Cuba-Peris y Valero 2016

Falla Cuba-Peris y Valero 9th prize.
Section: Ninth
Title: "Masterchef"
Artist: Rafa Guillot

falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 2016

Falla Bolsería-Tros Alt.
Section: Ninth
Title: "Traditions"
Artist: Luis Espinosa

Fallas Section 10

falla Ciscar-Regne 2016

Falla Ciscar-Regne 1st prize.
Section: Tenth
Title: "For the art of Birli Birlo ..what?"
Artist: Carlos Carsí

falla Pelayo-Marzal  2016

Falla Pelayo-Marzal 2nd prize.
Section: Tenth
Title: "The devil is loose!"
Artist: Paco Gisbert

Fallas sections 11 and 12

falla Cádiz-Azorín  2016

Falla Cádiz-Azorín .
Section: Eleventh
Title: "Taking note"
Artist: Vicente Torres

falla Cádiz-Denia  2016

Falla Cádiz-Denia .
Section: Eleventh
Title: "The children paradise"
Artist: Toni Pérez

falla J.Pérez-L-Oliag 2016

Falla J.Pérez-L-Oliag 2nd prize.
Section: Twelfth
Title: "what are fallas?"
Artist: Ángel Navarro

falla Cádiz-Puerto Rico 2016

Falla Cádiz-Puerto Rico.
Section: Twelfth
Title: "Noescarplanet"
Artist: The comission

falla Cuba-Denia 2016

Falla Cuba-Denia.
Section: Twelfth
Title: "One day at the fair"
Artist: Francisco J. Soriano

falla Pizcueta-Amorós 2016

Falla Pizcueta-Amorós.
Section: Twelfth
Artist: Fernando Llopis

Fallas Section 13

falla M.Perelló-Aguilar 2016

Falla M.Perelló-Aguilar 1st prize.
Section: Thirteenth
Title: "The new fallas home"
Artist: Ángel Navarro

falla Oliag-Mariola 2016

Falla Oliag-Mariola.
Section: Thirteenth
Title: "oh my mother"
Artist: Fernando López

Fallas Section 14

falla M.Perelló-Santangel 2016

Falla M.Perelló-Santangel 5th prize.
Section: Fourteenth

falla Alta-Sto Tomás 2016

Falla Alta-Sto Tomás 6th prize.
Section: Fourteenth
Title: "Radio Gaga"
Artist: Marc Martell

falla Cuba-Buenos Aires 2016

Falla Cuba-Buenos Aires.
Section: Fourteenth
Title: "Flower in bloom"
Artist: Toni Ramos

Fallas Section 18

falla Pintor Domingo-G. de Castro 2016

Falla Pintor Domingo-G. de Castro 9th prize.
Section: Eighteenth

falla Senent-Alameda 2016

Falla Senent-Alameda.
Section: Eighteenth