Fallas of other sections

Fallas section 1B

Falla Gaeta-Farnals 3rd prize. Title: "The huckster" Artist: Carlos Carsí
falla Salvatierra-Amorós 2016

Falla Salvatierra-Amorós 4th prize.
Title: "1916-More than a market"
Artist: Jose Gallego

falla Lo Rat Penat  2016

Falla Lo Rat Penat 6th prize.
Title: "Ale hop,jump through hoops"
Artist: Pedro Santaeulalia

falla G Lluch-M Merenciano  2016

Falla G Lluch-M Merenciano 12th prize.
Title: "Oceanide"
Artist: Paco Giner

Falla Linterna-Na Robella. Title: "The duel" Artist: Leonardo Gutiérrez

Fallas section 2A

falla s Abril-Perís y Valero 2016

Falla S Abril-Perís y Valero 1st prize.
Title: "Check with your pharmacist"
Artist: Sergio Musoles

falla Oloriz-Fabián y Fuero 2016

Falla Oloriz-Fabián y Fuero 3rd prize.
Title: "The king of jesters"
Artist: Carlos carsí

falla Cádiz-Centelles 2016

Falla Cádiz-Centelles 4th prize.
Title: "A very funny clown appearance"
Artist: David Sánchez

falla Avda del Oeste 2016

Falla Avda del Oeste 7th prize.
Title: "Pandora"
Artist:Manuel Martínez

falla J Costa-Altea 2016

Falla J Costa-Altea 12th prize.
Title: "The real story in the whole world"
Artist:Enrique Iborra

Fallas section 2B

falla Alameda-Francia 2016

Falla Alameda-Francia 1st prize.
Title: "Fire, flame and smoke"
Artist:Rafael Ibáñez

falla Monteolivete 2016

Falla Monteolivete 4th prize.
Title: "Lao Ximpum, master of fire and smoke"
Artist:Xavier Herrero

falla Benavente-Germana  2016

Falla Benavente-Germana 6th prize.
Title: "Balance"
Artist:Ernesto Cimas

Falla Cuba-P rico 10th prize. Title: "In the dark" Artist: Paco Borja
falla Pza de la Reina 2016

Falla Pza de la Reina. 7th prize
Title: "A square without trace "
Artist:Jose R Devís

falla Dr Gil-Dr vila 2016

Falla Dr Gil-Dr vila. 12th prize
Title: "Knights...deception is good"
Artist:Fede Ferrer

falla Cervantes-Jofre 2016

Falla Cervantes-Jofre. 13th prize
Title: " all the mouth"
Artist:Manuel Martínez

falla Espartero-Cajal 2016

Falla Espartero-Cajal.
Title: "Hunter with claim...cold and hunger"
Artist:Francisco Vizcaino.

falla Isabel-Amorós 2016

Falla Isabel-Amorós.
Title: "Made in Bombay"
Artist:Enrique Iborra

Fallas section 3A

falla Pizarro-Amorós 2016

Falla Pizarro-Amorós 9th prize.
Title: "The world upside down"
Artist:Paco Mesado

falla Zapadores 2016

Falla Zapadores 10th prize.
Title: "Who stop this music"
Artist:Jose R Devís

falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 2016

Falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 15th prize.
Title: "One of Berlanga"
Artist:Carlos Mondriá

Fallas section 3B

falla Cuba-Denia 2016

Falla Cuba-Denia 2nd prize.
Title: "A magic night at the cabaret"
Artist:David Sánchez

falla Ciscar-Regne 2016

Falla Ciscar-Regne 3rd prize.
Title: "happy Lie"
Artist:Carlos Carsí

Falla Ciscar-Regne Cremá.

Fallas section 4A

falla GV Ramón y Cajal-Benedito 2016

Falla GV Ramón y Cajal-Benedito 10th prize.
Title: "Valencian charm"
Artist:David Sánchez Llongo

falla Cuba-Buenos aires 2016

Falla Cuba-Buenos aires .
Title: "Greys"
Artist:Josué Beitia

falla Tomassos-Cervera 2016

Falla Tomassos-Cervera.
Title: "All over the air"
Artist:Paco Borja

Fallas sections 4B and 4C

falla Cádiz-Denia 2016

Falla Cádiz-Denia 8th prize.
Title: "To heaven or hell"
Artist:Toni Pérez Mena

falla Cádiz-Azorín 2016

Falla Cádiz-Azorín 10th prize.
Title: "Siren calls"
Artist:Paco Borja

falla Bailen-Xativa 2016

Falla Bailen-Xativa.
Title: "Coactus"
Artist:Rafa y Raúl Martínez

falla Cuba-Perís y Valero 2016

Falla Cuba-Perís y Valero.
Title: "Fallas virus"
Artist:José Sales

falla Castellón-Segorbe 2016

Falla Castellón-Segorbe.
Title: "SOS"
Artist:Raúl Martínez

Fallas section 5A

falla Aguilar-Perelló 2016

Falla Aguilar-Perelló. 8th prize
Title: "to the hunt of?"
Artist:César Flores

falla Pelayo-Marzal 2016

Falla Pelayo-Marzal.
Title: "Giving the note"
Artist:Vicente Albert

Fallas sections 5B and 5C

falla J Pérez-L. Oliag 2016

Falla J Pérez-L. Oliag
Title: "Natura"
Artist:Alberto Ribera

falla M Perelló-L. Santangel 2016

Falla M Perelló-L. Santangel 2nd prize.
Title: "Happy families as God wants in two empires of the sun"
Artist:Rafael Sánchez

falla Pizcueta-Amorós 2016

Falla Pizcueta-Amorós 6th prize.
Title: "The fourth elements"
Artist:Fernando Llópis

Fallas sections 6A and 6C

falla Alta-Sto Tomás 2016

Falla Alta-Sto Tomás. 3rd prize.
Title: "High frecueny 37.5 valencia"
Artist:Juanjo García

falla Senent-Alameda 2016

Falla Senent-Alameda. 9th prize.
Title: "how much you can enjoy if you can help others"
Artist:Juanjo García

falla L Oliag-Mariola 2016

Falla L Oliag-Mariola.
Title: "Anybody have a nightmare"
Artist:Alberto Ribera

Fallas sections 7A and 7B

falla J. Costa-Burriana 2016

Falla J. Costa-Burriana 1st prize.
Title: "Broken toys"
Artist:Manolo Algarra

falla Domingo-G. de Castro 2016

Falla Domingo-G. de Castro
Title: "In 7thC, every man for himself"
Artist:Juanma Sánchez