Child Falla Sueca-Azorín

"Onomastics of Zeus.. a feast of Gods"

"In his majestic throne find the God of gods, happy and very proud."

"Among music and laughter, a Olympian gods come to Sueca in fallas."



"In preparing him properly, the Muses are busy, to the universal Greek god."

"On Mount Olympus'll find a birthday party you'll never forget."


"Hercules in his crib looks at his father Zeus, to tell how much loves him."

Child falla Sueca-Azorín 2015

The director from the top coordinates all the work, to do everything perfect."




"The God of wind has blown a lot, and with a bunch of colorful balloons to celebrate contributed."


"The God of love could not miss this event so marked that surely some can fall in love."

god of arts

"The god of arts moves masterfully a puppet representing a faller, symbolizing the art night and day."

"Moves to the theater that has been mounted, this theatrical performance, that children loved."

"So much the party is dressed, employees of De Cagna in his art they have payed attention."


"The god Cronos is responsible for carrying the birthday cake that everyone has called attention."