Child fallas of other sections

Fallas section 2

Falla S vicente-Azzati 1st prize. Title: "Onomatopeya" Artist: José Gallego
Falla Gozalbo-Altea 2nd prize. Title: "Sewing Workshop The Spinners" Artist: Julio Monterrubio
Falla Regne Valencia 3rd prize. Title: "Chis Garabís" Artist: Ana López
Falla Lo Rat Penat 10th prize. Title: "At home of the grandpas" Artist: Pedro Santaeulalia
falla Islas Canarias-Trafalgar 2015

Falla Islas Canarias-Trafalgar 13th prize.
Title: "Alicia wonder"
Artist: Vicente Francisco Lorenzo

falla Conserva-Mallol 2015

Falla Conserva-Mallol 14th prize.

Falla Cuba-P rico 2015

Falla Cuba-P rico.

Fallas section 3

falla Isabel-Amorós 2015

Falla Isabel-Amorós 2nd prize.
Title: "Trick or treat"
Artist: Vicente Llácer

falla Ribera-Sta Clara 2015

Falla Ribera-Sta Clara 5th prize.
Title: "Endless melody"
Artist: Juan Alberto Navarro Guijarro

falla Maeztu-H Furió 2015

Falla Maeztu-H Furió 8th prize.
Title: "Miss comunication"
Artist: Sergio Alcañiz

falla  Avda Oeste 2015

Falla Avda Oeste 9th prize.
Title: "tasting menu"
Artist: Vicente Francisco Lorenzo

falla Gran Via-A Guimerá 2015

Falla Gran Via-A Guimerá 10th prize.

falla Maeztu-Leones 2015

Falla Maeztu-Leones.
Title: "Red bunting, this story has burned"
Artist: Rodrigo Núñez

Falla Alameda-Francia 14th prize. Title: "Silence! filming" Artist: Guillermo Rojas

Fallas section 4

falla Islas Canarias-Elche 2015

Falla Islas Canarias-Elche 1st prize.
Artist: Fernando Foix

falla Serranos 2015

Falla Serranos 6th prize.
Title: "When it rains and thunders, music sounds"
Artist: Ivan García

falla Linterna-Na Robella 2015

Falla Linterna-Na Robella 10th prize.
Title: "Kings of rythm"
Artist: Álvaro Timoteo

Falla Bolsería-Tros Alt 3rd prize. Title: "The salty sea" Artist: María Puche
falla Pza Pintor Segrelles 2015

Falla Pza Pintor Segrelles 15th prize.
Title: "Daddy, we are arriving"
Artist: Paco Burgos

falla Zapadores 2015

Falla Zapadores.

Fallas sections 5 and 6

falla Merced 2015

Falla Merced 4th prize.
Category: Fifth
Title: "From the Stone Age, it was the first faller history"
Artist: Enric Ginestar

falla Cádiz-Centelles 2015

Falla Cádiz-Centelles 5th prize.
Category: Fifth
Title: "spider-crabs"
Artist: Raúl Martínez

falla Francia-A Torán 2015

Falla Francia-A Torán 6th prize.
Category: Fifth
Title: "Valencia to the sea"
Artist: José Vicente Zurita

falla Benavente-Germana 2015

Falla Benavente-Germana 9th prize.
Category: Fifth
Title: "Musics that sound"
Artist: Vicente Almela

falla Cervantes-P Jofré 2015

Falla Cervantes-P Jofré 13th prize.
Category: Fifth

falla Pizarro-Amorós 2015

Falla Pizarro-Amorós 5th prize.
Category: Sixth
Title: "The sweet fountain"
Artist: Cap de Suro

Falla Serrano-Cervera 1st prize. Category: Sixth Title: "Meteorological" Artist: Sergio Fandos
Falla S Abril-Perís y Valero 2nd prize. Category: Sixth Title: "For Dinner, soup" Artist: Ángel Navarro
Falla Antiga Campanar 3rd prize. Category: Sixth Title: "Trip to Las Vegas" Artist: Mario Pérez

Fallas section 7

Falla P Cruz-Villarrasa 2nd prize. Category: Seventh Title: "Full colour" Artist: Mario Pérez
falla Salamanca-Altea 2015

Falla Salamanca-Altea 10th prize.
Category: Seventh
Title: "to do..."
Artist: Hermanos Tomillo

falla Monteolivete 2015

Falla Monteolivete 11th prize.
Category: Seventh
Title: "a day in the botanic garden"
Artist: Ángel Navarro

falla Cepeda-Palmireno 2015

Falla Cepeda-Palmireno.
Category: Seventh

Fallas sections 8 and 9

falla Pza Lope de Vega 2015

Falla Pza Lope de Vega 1st prize.
Category: Eighth
Title: "your heart needs it"
Artist: Álvaro Guija

falla J Costa-Burriana 2015

Falla J Costa-Burriana 6th prize.
Category: Eighth
Title: "Happy no birthday"
Artist: Samuel Martínez and María Esteban

falla S Abril-Pedro III 2015

Falla S Abril-Pedro III 7th prize.
Category: Eighth
Title: "Under the sea"
Artist: Javi Gisbert

falla Cádiz-P Rico 2015

Falla Cádiz-P Rico.
Category: Eighth

falla Gran Via-P Benedito 2015

Falla Gran Via-P Benedito.
Category: Eighth

falla Perís y Valero-Cuba 2015

Falla Perís y Valero-Cuba.
Category: Eighth
Title: "Graffiti"
Artist: Rafa Guillot

falla Tomasos-Cervera 2015

Falla Tomasos-Cervera.
Category: Eighth
Title: "All crying"
Artist: Vicente Francisco Lorenzo

falla Quart-Palomar 2015

Falla Quart-Palomar 4th prize.
Category: Ninth
Title: "The music of the sea"
Artist: DartFaller

falla S Vicente-Marvá 2015

Falla S Vicente-Marvá 7th prize.
Category: Ninth
Title: "good progress"
Artist: Toni Ramos

falla Mercado de Ruzafa 2015

Falla Mercado de Ruzafa 9th prize.
Category: Ninth
Artist: Juanjo García

falla Albacete-Marvá 2015

Falla Albacete-Marvá.
Category: Ninth

falla Blanquerías 2015

Falla Blanquerías.
Category: Ninth
Title: "QR"
Artist: Vicente M. Maldonado

falla Castellón-Segorbe 2015

Falla Castellón-Segorbe.
Category: Ninth
Title: "One book...many friends"
Artist: Cap de Suro

falla Regne Valencia-Serrano 2015

Falla Regne Valencia-Serrano.
Category: Ninth

Fallas sections 10 and 11

Falla Pelayo-Marzal 1st prize. Category: Tenth
falla Ciscar-Regne Valencia 2015

Falla Ciscar-Regne Valencia 3rd prize.
Category: Tenth

falla Cuba-Buenos Aires 2015

Falla Cuba-Buenos Aires.
Category: Tenth

falla Oliag-Mariola-Granada 2015

Falla Oliag-Mariola-Granada.
Category: Tenth

falla  Avda Plata-Urrutia 2015

Falla Avda Plata-Urrutia.
Category: Tenth

falla J Pérez-L Oliag 2015

Falla J Pérez-L Oliag 4th prize.
Category: Eleventh

falla Alta-Sto Tomás 2015

Falla Alta-Sto Tomás.
Category: Eleventh
Title: "Che how good"
Artist: Marc Martell

falla Cádiz-Denia 2015

Falla Cádiz-Denia.
Category: Eleventh

falla Pza de la Reina 2015

Falla Pza de la Reina.
Category: Eleventh

Fallas sections 12, 13 and 14

falla Sevilla-Denia 2015

Falla Sevilla-Denia 2nd prize.
Category: Twelfth
Title: "eggs"
Artist: José Luis Platero

falla Cuba-Denia 2015

Falla Cuba-Denia.
Category: Twelfth

falla Bailén-Xátiva 2015

Falla Bailén-Xátiva.
Category: Thirteenth

falla Dr Gil y Dr Vila 2015

Falla Dr Gil y Dr Vila.
Category: Twelfth

falla Cadiz-Azorín 2015

Falla Cadiz-Azorín 3rd prize.
Category: Thirteenth
Title: "in march to valencia"
Artist: Vicente Martínez

falla En Plom-G Castro 2015

Falla En Plom-G Castro 8th prize.
Category: Thirteenth
Title: "red bunting"
Artist: Juan Alberto Navarro Guijarro

falla Aguilar-Perelló 2015

Falla Aguilar-Perelló 1st prize.
Category: Fourteenth
Title: "The essence of our land"
Artist: Ángel Navarro

falla Pizcueta-Amorós 2015

Falla Pizcueta-Amorós.
Category: Fourteenth

falla Pza del Ángel 2015

Falla Pza del Ángel.
Category: Fourteenth
Title: "A house where to play"
Artist: Fet dencarrec

falla Pza del Negrito 2015

Falla Pza del Negrito.
Category: Fourteenth
Title: "Spring is coming"
Artist: Ximo Martí

falla S Jose-Pesset 2015

Falla S Jose-Pesset.
Category: Fourteenth

Fallas sections 15 and 16

falla Regne Valencia-S Valero 2015

Falla Regne Valencia-S Valero 2nd prize.
Category: Fifteenth
Title: "The pantheon of goddesses"
Artist: Francisco Martínez

falla Campanar-H Rovira 2015

Falla Campanar-H Rovira 12th prize.
Category: Fifteenth

falla Calabazas-En Gall 2015

Falla Calabazas-En Gall.
Category: Fifteenth

falla Senet-Alameda 2015

Falla Senet-Alameda.
Category: Fifteenth
Title: "The world of fun"
Artist: Diego Palacios

falla Corretjeria-B dels Pavesos 2015

Falla Corretjeria-B dels Pavesos 1st prize.
Category: Sixteenth
Title: "be prince"
Artist: Iván Tortajada

falla Perelló-Santangel 2015

Falla Perelló-Santangel 3rd prize.
Category: Sixteenth

falla Burjassot-Paterna 2015

Falla Burjassot-Paterna.
Category: Sixteenth

falla Romeu-Corbera 2015

Falla Romeu-Corbera.
Category: Sixteenth

Fallas sections 17 and 18

falla Llorens-Merenciano 2015

Falla Llorens-Merenciano 2nd prize.
Category: Seventeenth

falla G Sorolla-Recadero 2015

Falla G Sorolla-Recadero 6th prize.
Category: Eighteenth
Title: "the light"
Artist: Daniel Barea

falla G de Castro- Triador 2015

Falla G de Castro- Triador 8th prize.
Category: Eighteenth
Title: "A past to enjoy the future to discover"
Artist: Celso Sierra

falla Patriarca-Universidad 2015

Falla Patriarca-Universidad.
Category: Eighteenth

falla H de S Valero-Plata 2015

Falla H de S Valero-Plata.
Category: Eighteenth