"Impossible loves"
Artist: Miguel Santaeulalia.
Cost: 140.000 Euros.
Height: 18 metres.
Prize: 7th Special section.
Click this link to see Falla Infantil Cuba-Azorín
Click this link to see Video Falla Cuba-Azorín
Click this link to see Video of lights Falla Cuba-Azorín
"An old Samurai pursues his kidnapped daughter, with her consent, by her boyfriend, that is pulling a cart across the bridge that symbolizes the transition from childhood to youth. Conflicting loves, who feel and suffer in different ways: filial love-marriage love."
"The father will try by all means that this does not occur, and that the couple's love becomes an impossible love."
"Impossible loves, ironic leitmotif for criticism, and where we see the little love for music, passion and confrontation in football, unbalanced love, a love of cartoons, the classic heartbreak of typical Valencian products and a most notably wedding."
"Impossible loves."
"Impossible love is not fulfilled, it enters the invisible heart, but ultimately suffers."
"The obese elephant had many years obsessed in catching husband and here it is, your dream has come true with this ugly little mouse."
"This special animal wedding has no waste, it is not known who will do well and and who will go wrong."
"In this royal wedding comes a wolf wanting to have a good time, want to eat them all and leave nothing for others."
"Impossible Love. Naive."
"The advertising bubble later became whale estate, because everyone wanted to buy, prices rose and rose until pressure ended and investment turned into depression."
"The Icing on the Cake believing live in paradise was always ask credit, to spend without commitment."
"All bankers get dizzy in the siphon of the economy, they rise rapidly and fall the next day."
"Impossible Love. Insufferable."
"It insufferable love the football teams, even in family, everyone wants to get the goal".
"Impossible Love. Misunderstood."
"It's a jewel undone misunderstood love, that of a young falla girl and a Martian".
"Impossible Love. Inseparable ."
"The kingdom like a puppet, thinks the Spanish knight, fighting with all his tools to barretinas and txapelas (catalan and basque berets)".
Last update: May 2013.
Víctor & Ruth