Home Fallas 2011 Fallas Na Jordana
Falla Na Jordana
Artist: Manuel Martín.
Cost: 130.000 Euros.
Height: 27 metres.
Prize: 9th Special section. 3rd talent and grace.
Click this link to see Falla infantile Na Jordana
Click this link to see Video Falla Na Jordana
All that we are not good we will end up in hell and meet there.
"Splash in the pool of excrement that so much covet. Shit is the product of corrupt money. Where are now gifts, golden cages, favors, trinkets ? "
"Boy, the Reaper never know if one is poor or monarch. That is why, nothing more democratic than the great fire. Let the King come in! We are Republicans all to hell!"
"In the cellars of hell the devil makes servant and free from torment to those who make crazy from fire"
"Bite an apple? creepy! and think that we come from animals? It's over, and the paradise is closed."
"Many have said that women blind us the meaning. And an edict burden on them any wrongdoing. Enough is enough! Throw all the male rough into the well."
"Important, do not know him? A such Sanz. Very manly, sees women as subservient gender. For abusing deserves a rope and a noose"
"Condemned to remain tied to the chair. Day and night screen spewing propaganda. Oh poor! Channel 9 will make you lose the key!"
"The collar conceals with the chin made a flap. Maciel and followers will not take into heaven. Sad herd of black pigs thieves of children's voices "
Last update: May 2011 Víctor & Ruth