Children Falla Ayuntamiento

"To the tribune of Turia"

Artists: José Luis Ceballos and Paco Sanabria.

Cost:   29.000 Euros.


Click this link to see Falla del Ayuntamiento

Click this link to see Video of Falla Infantilee of Ayuntamiento


Tribute about ancient and traditional water Tribunal, the oldest institution of justice that exists today in Europe, declared by UNESCO as an intangible asset Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Jury of irrigations of the 8 channel communities of the Meadow of Valencia, which distribute and supply water from the River Turia to the orchard of Valencia. Every Thursday of the year, at twelve o'clock, the Court meets to resolve all disputes arising out of the irrigation water, by holding public trials and summary procedure in front of the door of the Apostles Valencia's Cathedral.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"To be a trustee, you has to be a farmer of good reputation, very honest and hardworking".

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

The River Turia iwth the horn of abundance.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Alba MB.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Passes under the old city, the grandma channel Rovella".

Branch of MOROS

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"The fields it waters grow treasures, as is the son of Mislata mother, and takes the name of Moros branch".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Also Ruzafa watered, and reaches Catarroja, the moor channel Favara".



Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"The days of football are crazy, on the outskirts of this channel, called Mestalla".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"The court was established in 960 in times of Abderrahman III. It was the Muslims who, take profit of the irrigation system that had Valencia from the Romans, improved and expanded it. [..] A network of channels and branches that functioned under the authority of a court, always trying to divide the water equally".

When Jaime I came to Valencia was impressed by the good organization of the court, he respected it and in 1239 joined to the privileges or laws that gave Valencia."

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.



Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"She is the youngest of all, to irrigate the marshes, near the Palace of Arts, Oro channel there you are".

Branch of VERA

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"What a coincidence, that Rascanya daughter Vera, waters the university".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"When Jaime I came, admired by the well-organized network of channels, as one of the privileges, he respected it".

Life in the orchard.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

San Antonio festivity.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Channel guard.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Alba MB.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Alba MB.


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Bring a good pair name, two channels that form one, Benager and Faitanar ".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"From irrigated fields by Rascanya, then for the summer, we will have an excellent horchata".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"The young Xirivella is this channel, and around this town, gives the water".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Mislata daughter is said, the funny Andarella branch, which drains along the new river".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Bring water to the southern orchard, touching all fields, Mislata from its dam".


Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

"Tormos gives the water around Campanar, for its field irrigate".

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Bego B.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Alba MB.

Falla Infantile Ayuntamiento

Picture of Alba MB.

Last update: April 2011 Víctor & Ruth