Home Fallas 2009 Fallas Page 1 Convento Jerusalén Page 2
"Uncle 'Nelo' lights the fire of that suicide competition, where falleros put in play their life, for a prize that is not a game".
"The fire crosses the city through to maintain alive the essence of a celebration that moves by vanity. We will burn the bad spirits, the fire will purify everything, even the wounded prides".
"In order to win to the 'trick', a religion more than game, you will have to be crafty."
"One has left to piss, the game has been stopped, because of drinking and eating, the bladder has exploded to him."
"To bid, to send the foul, to gamble all the money, drink and what whatever is needed, and of the noise, the neighbors are upset."
"The Falla that expent the most receives tribute and goodbye of which when seeing it without life already thought about more than one to contract. Ode to greatest, Ode to Nou Rubbish!."
"Four first prizes very special for children falla. Five big prizes for fallas, for very large fallas!!."
"Of course infantile greater fallera of Valencia of this year. And a bit of fallero effort."
"The clothing is inspired by beauty of the past, offering museum suits and filling the pockets".
"The tailor wants to be welldocumented, to make the fucking innovations that he wants".
"If it pleases you the good dressing and of Valencian you want to shine, or you have much money or you ask in the Marzal".
"The clever tailor creates fashion in tradition, to sell, in full knowledge that he doesn't mind at all of it".
"For more than a woman, dressing of valencian or fallera may be a great problem, if there isn't enough money".
"The scene decorates with flowers and baskets, that receive willingly in honor of all of them".
"The doctor to the greater fallera has recommended, for sleeping to count baskets as if they were ewes".
"No longer shines the sun in the balcony of the city council, when the falleras take the flight".
"A new sport has been invented, the authority practices it , in the month of March when it is sunny, catch falleras flying".
"There is a problem in the style, thinks Rita mayoress, girls, here doesn't fit nor a thread".
"Presides over, half court profile mayoress and is that no longer a thread fits. What a punishment, what a luck!".
"What this year causes rage is to contemplate in the balcony, to fly the greater fallera".
"Occupies all the balcony, too soft the falleras, canneded for the occasion".
Last update: April 2009 Víctor & Ruth