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"here they are the Pepis Pótamo enjoying the different treatments of hydrotherapy and termalism in order to secure a healthful and more beautiful aspect."
"Used to natural muds and the herbs preparations in their land of origin, they are enjoying all type of beauty treatments to purify, stretch, reduce, get younger, fill up, polish, shave and to clean their forceful skins."
"They have a soft spot for the chocolateraphy treatments that make them feel like at home, when they are coating with sticky mud of the African rivers."
"i wish to be an hippo"
"After a long passage of thousand of years primates have been able to evolve beyond homo sapiens."
"Great fans to the celluloid since they contacted with a human specimen named Tarzan, today amuse themselves with the projections participating free of prejudices."
"They demonstrate how advanced are maintaining pleasant attitudes which the human being has had to resign: they smoke, eat and drink in the cinema without no sense of dcency, dedicated to its main activity: to be monkeys."
"The small ones, the youngest ones, the infants of all the species have their own space where they can stand out without the presence of the adults: the day-care center."
"In the same way the parents free themselves of the care of their sprouts, parking them during some time, and thus they can be dedicated to other less exhausting necessities."
"The day-care center offers to the little users all type of interesting activities that help to develop their sensorial aptitudes. The monitors take care of them with a permanent smile, replacing their ancestors in the educational task. "
Last update: April 2009 Víctor & Ruth