Falla Plaza de la Merced



Prize:   11th special section.

Artista: Joaquín Rubio Yañez.

Cost:   150.000 Euros.

Heigth:  17 metres.



A couple of teenagers are worried by the problems of the world, are watching an eclipse.

The meeting between the Centaur that drives the sun in the top of the sky while the Via Lactea covers the Moon with her wings.

"How eclipses the truth, the buyer without a dime, and the rich salesman .

"These want to eclipse, good thing of businesses, to innocents to crush and to please the partners ".

"In the mousehole they are fallen, these unfortunate poor men, of the sales, that are going to make them very happy".

"Like robots remote-controlled they are directed to the sales, and although they do not need anything, leave plenty of boxes".

Falla Merced

"The trap of the sales".


"A good present".

Falla Merced

"These particlar wise men give us a good present, a circuit for the track, in order to do many races".
"We only needed this, in our city soon we will put the poster of full".

Falla Merced

"That's what has the programming, that eclipses many tasks, thus being hooked with the girl of his love."
"The innocent worker only wanted to have lunch, but watching that program, hangs the poster of 'do not disturb'."


"The sunflowers"

"Sometimes all of us want to eclipse the reality, for that reason we conceal, disguising the reality".

"They turn following ideals, that to the people nothing surprises, turn by money and the business, and by, they say, love to Spain."

"These are eclipsed between them, to see who has it fatter, undressing their privacy, and gaining a good thing".


"Eclipse total"

Falla Merced

"An allegory to the spectacular eclipse, by night or by day, always must enchant".

Falla Merced

"Good people."

Falla Merced

"They watch with the telescope this natural miracle, this eclipse not at all cold, that this year take place, in Merced square".


"The fame. Eclipse of alcohol."

Falla Merced

"If for having fun you must drink a lot, then you are an animal, and the civil guard will catch".

"Drink with responsability, you'll live confortable, and don't change the party, for a big upset".

Falla Merced

"Don't do as this duck, that is really drunk, and if he mades fool of himself, i won't be strange".


Falla Merced

"Although they see themselves dressed for partying, reality is other, a party full of work".

Falla Merced

"Sexual Eclipse".
"These are very masculines and animal by the day, by night they turn drag-queens, becoming in sexual machines".


"Technology joins, they say"



Last update: April 2008 Víctor & Ruth