Home Fallas 2008 Fallas Ayuntamiento

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Whatever you wish"

Artists: José Latorre y Gabriel Sanz.

Cost:   220.000 Euros.

Height:  20 meters.


Click this link to see Child Falla Ayuntamiento

Click this link to see Video Falla Ayuntamiento


Whatever you wish... ...you'll get only half of it. The tale of Aladdin and the genius that gives wishes.

When the fallas was mounted the wind throwed part of the Aladdins figure. It didn't suffer serious damage and could be mounted again, but the monkey on the Aladdin's head had to be removed.

Falla Ayuntamiento




Falla Ayuntamiento


Falla Ayuntamiento



Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish the neighbor's wife"...but not this one!.

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish seeing an uncontaminated world " "...try with Mars!".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Desire become independent, with the parents to take care of to me".


Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish to form a trio, but is too much nuisance".

Falla Ayuntamiento

.."although i don't eat".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish Elsa Pataky body".


Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish to be the greater Fallera. "but not so greater fallera!!!

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish make money, and to spend it wisely".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish to win lottery (primitive lottery) ".


Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish fallas last all year".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish to become young again, but not so young!".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wishing fallas all the year will cause you problems".


Falla Ayuntamiento

"If i become the invisible man, i will see the Si puedo ser el hombre invisible,i will see a tempting ass but".

Falla Ayuntamiento

"Wish peace", "Wish good healt for eveyone".



Last update: March 2008 Víctor & Ruth