7º Prize


Artist: Manuel Blanco Sancho. Cost: 204.000 € Height: 20 metres.

English Version Versión en Español
Click this link to see Sueca-Azorín Child Falla .

In sptring , the man gets trasnsformed, fall in love, gets ready and thinks about the sucess that will have this summer when he will be the king of the beach and of the dates. But the reality shows us a man with rolls of fat, with obsessions, bald and many intolerances.

The central figure of this falla was a bit dissapointing, seems a bit alone and i think it lacked of some more tall figures around.


  The man with birds sells us illusions, but what we bought it is a toy of colors that if it falls to the floor it will break, like the false ego when discovering what we really are.
The illuminated street was the winner, like almost always, although this year had an important rival in the Falla Nou Campanar, that was second in this aspect.
Falla Sueca-Azorín  7º prize
In spring the farmyard is altered
1st prize illuminated street

  More pictures of the central figure and those around it.  
Falla Sueca-Azorín  7º prize
In spring the farmyard is altered
Falla Sueca-Azorín  7º prize

  the summer terrace . "This couple wanted to enjoy the good weather, but they can't be quiet because a lot of people is asking them". "She wanted his boyfriend in the intimacy a thursday, but there were more people than in the bullring.".
summer terrace

  "What was going to be a quiet day in the zoo, becomes an orgy because of the gorilla".
asking for oxygen

  Youngsters without wings.
Youngsters without wings
Youngsters without wings

  The elders were quite well done.
Falla Sueca-Azorín  7º prize
Falla Sueca-Azorín  7º prize

  Last update: April 2006
Víctor DG