(pound stores) 1st Prize


Artist:Pedro Santaeulalia. Cost: 600.000 € Height: 28 metres.

English Version Versión en español
Click this link to see Nou Campanar Child Falla.
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Click this link to see a video of this falla:Video Nou Campanar

Valencia undergoes the invasion of terms and products of the east, while the authorities remain impassible and without taking decisions.

Falla impressive in size, amount of ninots, finished of the figures and with the greatest budget for a Falla ever. Right winner of the first prize, the rest of the Fallas of special seemed to be of another section in comparison, only Falla Convento approached a little to the majesty of this falla.


  This Falla also competed for the best illumination, and they got the second prize being the winner Falla Sueca-Azorín.  
Nou Campanar. 1st prize
Tot a Cent
Nou Campanar. 1st prize

  Chinese dragon devours occident.  
Nou Campanar. 1st prize
Nou Campanar. 1st prize
chinese dragon

  Chinese dragon devours occident, their products invade everything  
Chinese dragon
oriental products

  meanwhile the authorities remain impassible. On the right, the major of Valencia (Rita) and the president of the region (Camps), do nothing to stop this invasion of oriental products.  
oriental products
oriental products
impassible politicians

  Japanese tourist copying everything, here taking pictures of the bunyolera  
Japanese tourists
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  Last update: April 2006
Víctor DG
more pics.