11º Prize


Artist:Fernando y J. Manuel García. Cost: 162.273 € Height: 20 metres.

English Version Versión en Español  
Click this link to see Antiga Child Falla .

Under the light of a streetlight, the couple dances with the sound of the musicians the subjects that mark the economy, the policy, the fashions, the television or the publicity.

This falla was fine but it lack of more scenes in the inferior part. The child falla was much better and obtained a deserved third prize in the special section .


Antiga, 11 prize
going with the flow
Antiga, 11 prize

  Chotis (madrid regional dance, danced without much movement around) is dancen in a 30 square metres apartment. Teh imported exotic dance can finish badly if danced just after having lunch.  
chotis dance
exotic dance

  Last update: April 2006
Víctor DG