Falla Nou Campanar 2004

Artist: Pedro Santaeulalia. Cost: 270.475€ Height: 27 metres.

First prize of Special Section.
The lady in the balcony is awaiting for the gentleman to finish his reading. The gentleman is hoping that the lady falls in love with him.
The musicians are hoping to please the lovers and being well payed. The drummer is despairing trying to recover the drum catched by the dog.
Several scenes around show the despair of the hope.
Falla Nou Campanar. 1st prize. The musicians and the lady

Nou Campanar Waiting for medical attention
The patient awaits medical attention while the doctor is playing.
Ninots full of details: The mice carrying a chees on a stretcher, the face of the nurse, fishes under the slide of the following scene.
The dogs, the little puppets with funny faces on the patient and doctor's armchairs.
Falla Nou Campanar. Waiting at the wc queue.
More details: The baby's bottles, each one with a different expression.

The wone despair in the WC queue.
The girl awaiting with her family for the mayoress to call for appointing her for Major Fallera.

Boyfriend awaiting Mayoress and the America's Cup. AVE passengers.

The boyfriend waiting for the girlfriend. The labourer never finish his work.
Passengers waiting for AVE (high speed)train. Details: The face of the pig grasped by the neck, the snails.

Hoping for a date . The gentleman awaiting.

Details: The faces of the jars, the musicians playing, tha man dancing with his nose between the breasts of the fat girl and his arm passing under one of the breasts.
The ostrich running in front of the AVE.

Artist: Miguel Santaeulalia.

First prize on Special Section of Child Fallas.
Child Falla Nou Campanar 1st prize Child Falla Nou Campanar

This falla is full of details and so much thigns that are not easy to see them well.
Details: The storks, one is carrying a crocodile that is biting her leg, other with her neck stretched out because is carrying an hippo.
The Falla is surrounded in the lower part by elfs, with names that plays with this word, 'elfo-rof' (the fan),'elfa-natic' (the fanatic)...