
These are some of the pictures of the year 99 Fallas. I just have only 9 wich are good enough in order to put on the web, and i haven't any of the city hall falla.

winner Pza Pilar The winner of this year was El Pilar square falla. 1st prize Pza Pilar
Falla NaJordana Second prize was Na Jordana.
It was quite a good falla too.
Falla NaJordana
Falla Sueca Lto Azorín Another remarkable falla was this one of Sueca. From that year on, this falla improve more and more.
Falla Convento de Jerusalén. Convento Jerusalén falla was a bit dissapointing, may be they were awating for the marvellous falla of the following year. Somebody has commented that it wasn't finished completly.

On the right the child falla.
Childl Convento Jerusalén
Pza Merced On the left the Merced square falla.
Detail of the cremá (burning) of the Zapadores falla.Detalle de la cremá de la falla de Zapadores. (right picture)
Cremá falla Zapadores
Version Espaņola