Falla Exposición-Mascó

"Extravagance II"

Artist: David Sánchez Llongo.

Prize: 3rd Special Section.

Cost: 165.000 Euros.

Height: 14 metres.

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"In this kingdom eccentric and quirky behaviors rule."

"It's crazy, nonsense. King Ribobo I travels in AVEstruz, which does not pollute. His pet Pere Porquet wants to get into all the puddles. Queen Oltra has tamed her flamboyant pet, the rhinoceros Puig. By abusing freedom, young people have lost their north and many of their social values. The impositions of fashion. The madness of the politicians have turned them into circus characters. The follies of the fallera party. "

A parade begins, at least a carnival, in the country is famous with an animal character.

falla exposición-mascó 2021

The erudite 'citizen' in the juggling show, with her talent does not avoid the hit.
The platypus is present, if we talk about independence, he proves to be a good bird.
The dragon is the one who has the power, he likes fun, and he acts here as a town crier, causing us distraction.
While they touch our noses without shame or dissimulation, their clown friends come to fuck us.

falla exposición-mascó 2021

This goose wants to cry because no one votes for her anymore .. Is it because they have even stolen the P and the seagull?
Leading the retinue is the virus, who in an abusive way takes life away from us.
The vaccines are looking for before we all go crazy, and the medal is put on, we already know what the red ones are like!

He drowns his companions, the sharks eat them ... the 'Borraga' remains alive, pulling the subsidies.
In the Fallas survivors, elegance is scarce, the prize comes first, the extravagance is awarded.
Torres sets up the mess and shows how he has the balls, he sends his enemy into the sea, well to the bottom.
If you don't care about the cause and you want to win the event, you will have to climb without pause, about twenty meters ... from the Pilar.

falla exposición-mascó 2021

The height of extravagance in the Generalitat, the fallero, arrogantly, for a year they have robbed.
While the falleros are drowning, Carme breaks down, because in the street they hit each other drinking from a 'litrona'
Galiana with great dexterity and helped by groups, scares those who she despises, do not touch her balls!
To avoid the tragedy, the councilor threatens to mount a comedy and Barceló to hunt.

It is of extreme extravagance, the pantomime is 'joke'. The spectacle of confusion causes supreme shame.
But those who are in the armchair want to save their bread, that's why this firecracker circus is going to perform in Moncloa.
Tricks divert the attention of the citizen. These clowns send you shamelessly, to hell.
There is an ancient tactic of the 'progre' to become noble, that of taking you for a fool, giving the people a circus.

The president is a magician, the best tricks he never reveals, and since he is dressed in a tailcoat, he only wants your money.
What about this government of Spain they will say is extravagant, because with lies and cunning they are all deceiving.
You will see tactics of war, pardons to the communist show, taxes that the left rises, while they play the distraction.
Disappearance tricks his specialty, especially if it is the pension for the elderly.
The battle partner has also disappeared, because in Madrid they have screwed him and the 'ponytail' is cut.

In the well-known show, people are only going to fuck and quickly achieve fame, for carving money.
They have come to the big television show, showing the meat, three grandmothers, eating, if they can, a dick.
Looking for a new lover to make a good couple, she has chosen, ending the ugliest and the oldest.
They have lowered their pension, and this socialist baron they conquer on the set.
The house is an uproar, oh mother! what a sentence, that preparatory time on the day of the offering.

A scene of extravagance, the children cannot be stopped, we set it up than in childhood before seeing the Mother.
The children giving the brase to put on their suits, chaos has arisen in the house

Extravagant nonsensical ingredients have been mixed together, and with modern experiments a new Bando has prepared.
Two henchmen of Fuset try to change the party, they seek to achieve the feat of forgetting the Caloret.