Falla Exposición-Mascó

"I was born in the Mediterranean"

Artist: David Sánchez Llongo.

Prize: 6th Special Section.

Cost: 130.000 Euros.

Height: 18 metres.

Click this link to see Child Falla Exposición-Mascó

Click this link to see Video of falla Exposición-Mascó

"Our Mediterranean Sea symbolizes the culture of our people and lands. The rose, as a navigation compass, with its 4 winds that blow with force in the becoming of our present."

"The wind of the Levant is the urban speculation and the great increase of tourism of our coasts. The wind of the Xaloc, that comes from Africa, makes us see the dramatic unstoppable emigration, with the consequent xenophobia produced. The Mistral wind, which comes from the interior of the plateau, brings us the economic freeze with a sky covered with clouds, cuts and corruption, and the wind of Tramontana, from the north, brings us problems of coexistence and discrepancy among the Spaniards. "

Above a center of foam, the Rose of the Winds sprouts, that here stands flattering, exploding in a way, in four imposing gods.                     
                    Furious waves approach in the form of a storm, because they seem so dangerous, huge and powerful, that they take even the top of the falla!.

From the Mediterranean Sea winds are born as the Levante, and among the waves emanates the blow of the Tramontana, the Xaloc and the Gregal.

In the works many ruins discover a past that in the untimely hands, end in the fortunes that some magnate treasures.                       
                        A good part of our history can be found in the streets without any pain or glory, buried by the scum and forgotten in the Viveros.

The legacy of the great Blasco that writing praised you, the Autonomous Government proving to be very foolish, let it get lost by going to Madrid. Ay poor Albufera! that progress today devastates you and those who rule forget you because they do not want you at home and all thanks to the members of the painful Tripartite.

Oh, who was Albufera when we were still Kingdom !, to feel beautiful aromas and let me impregnate myself with that balm of life that unites us to the sea. What would the fish be if they did not have Albufera?
                     The Albufera is in danger, the Albufera awaits you, to defend what they want to steal from you!

pardoned ninot

Pardoned Ninot

Region festivities
The most ingrained parties are a reason for confrontation between those that you know, govern the City Council!.

fallas and hogueras

If you want music and laughter, come up to Las Fallas. Come and witness that now they are Heritage.

In the light of the Bonfires you will find love! You will eat coca of tuna and thin-skinned albacore!


If you have an ugly mask, do not forget the rubber band. Do not be a boring friend and come to Vinaroz!


Tomatina Write down the date, it's time of tomato bath !. Battles of red like these are not wars but parties!

Moors and Christians And Pedro very childish, he cries more than Boabdil!

Fuset must be declared part of the historic Patrimony as he walks in freedom without common sense, like a villain in a comic!
At eight meters you must be to be part of the Patrimony, and it is that Pere in an altar never stops crying because he can not find a binomial!

pere fuset

Pere Fuset
Last year there was no mess, that Rocio broke his heart!                      He yearns and dreams, that he obtains the mayoralty.

If the customer does not burst, these fallas no longer pass as he eats everything, he drowns in clothing, for guzzler!.
If the pants are too tight you should stop eating, you can not stop, so go on a diet and to the hell with lunch!

The most nosy of the waiters balances with the tray because of those festeros, who drunk go through the streets, half bent for what they piss themselves!.
The maitre're as you see gets angry because they are louts and suspects with the look that the highest one here, is warming his mustache !.

The commander Pedro Sanchez does not know how to enjoy the sea and capsize among the waters worried and stupefied , because they do not let him rule! .
Direct from the airport to flee is prepared, and is that the boat is a transport to give you passport, it rules without a rod!.
It goes without saying that the President likes to go by plane, but even so, people do not know that if they fight against the wind, they will lose the boat.!

They clog the pipes causing a strong smell the used wipes, coming out of blow sometimes, the stench to the outside !.                     
                     The noise and stench they suffer at night comes from the fear that comes from the landfill full of rotting rags.

clogged toilet

What will tourism think if we do not show anything of civics? Lets denounce the situation that the population suffers.

From twelve o'clock the tourists wait for the mascletá to find good views and shout to the journalists to come out in the foreground.

tourists in mascletá

The heat in front is noticeable and the fatigue more exhausts you.

girl in mascletá

Go soon to the mascletá and greet us with your hand !.