Falla Cadarso-Altea

"Votes for women"

Artist: Manuel Algarra.

Prize: 9th Special Section.

Cost: 120.000 Euros.

Height: 17 metres.

Click this link to see Video of falla Cadarso-Altea

"Just a hundred years ago, the suffrage movement revolutionized the role of women. Much had to be fought against the society of the time, since all of it was contrary to the right to exercise the vote, for the mere fact of being a woman"

"The politicians, the forces of public order, the church, the media, all without exception were openly against. Until the sum of many women claiming their right, had to be accepted. "

"That struggle, 100 years later, is still present, to achieve equality between men and women. "

"Votes for women" It is a cry of equality, also a way to show that you can do satire and also criticize any topic saying more than one truth.

Extremisms apart and pulling common sense, the woman breaks the heavy chains that gave her only tears and sorrows, and as ants are gaining ground.                       
                        Let the damn glass ceiling break into a thousand pieces, let life become a dance full of smiles.

Searching for paradise, the Valkyries advanced to be able to live a placid full life, they transferred to men all their homework and to them with domestic tasks they charged.

Men have to do an accelerated course of domestic tasks and similar practices, in the village in a few months there will close all the bars, women to the supposed strong sex scare.

They live comfortably and without worry, from the countryside to the tavern without stopping at home, that of contributing at home was not very fashionable, and some generations would have to pass.

It still seems like an obstacle race what women live today, condemned to do compulsorily, something that "males" do not want to do.
You can not do stories or fables if we talk about achieving equality, we must not miss an opportunity, go to the facts and forget the words.

"I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought, there are many people like that in the world, there has to be someone like me, who feels bizarre and damaged in the same way that I feel. I imagine it, and I imagine that she must also be there thinking about me. Well, I hope that if you're out there and you read this, you know that, yes, it's true, I'm here, I'm as strange as you."

Spirit of survival and courage have characterized an inheritance repeated by grandmas with insistence and that this legacy to the granddaughter trusts.                       

                     They are the fruit of a sincere admiration, there was no other than the muscle to use not to drown you in shit, it's everyone's business and you have to take action.
                     Some children have the belief that mothers have super powers, get to complete all tasks, pay attention and behave well with them compensates.

Imagine our history written by them in totality, for some it would be an outrage, and for others it would suppose the glory.                       
                    Nobody shut your mouth and no one tells you what to do, love just means to love and look somewhere else is not time.                        
                    It would not be necessary to be too short and not to take revenge of the suffered evil, but if so they have decided it, that if it would be a big shit.                       
                   Many times the enemy has it at home, eating among themselves is cannibalism, and that is the worst proof of machismo, typical parrots that criticize everything that happens.

Work with difficulty they have done, since the industrial revolution, much less that is capital punishment, you should know that work is a right.                     
                    No person should ever be disturbed by the inequalities of other times, those that made many mouths open because women did not have the right to vote.