Home Fallas 2013


Videos and pictures of the main Fallas of the year 2013.

Fallas valencia 2013

Fallas valencia 2013


June/2013 Pictures of Child Falla Barrio Beteró, courtesy of a visitor to our site.

May/2013 All pictures and Videos of 2013 uploaded.

May/2013 Photos of Falla Cuba and Sueca.

May/2013 Photos of Falla Pilar and children fallas of Esteve-Amorós and Ciscar-Burriana.

May/2013 New pictures of Falla Cadarso, Exposición, Nou Campanar, Antiga Campanar, Other 1A y Other fallas.

Mayo/2013 New pictures of Children Fallas of Ayuntamiento, Antiga, Nou Campanar, Esposición, Other 1 and Other children fallas.

May/2013 Photos of Nou Campanar, Regne Valencia, Na Jordana, Cadarso-Altea, Convento Jerusalén.

April/2013 All the videos uploaded. Photos of Falla ayuntamiento,Exposición-Mascó, Antiga Campanar and Fallas of other categories.

March/2013 Pictures and videos of the Exposición del Ninot.

Last uptade: June 2013.

Víctor & Ruth