Home Fallas 2008 Fallas Nou Campanar

Falla Nou Campanar

"Whichever story"

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Prize:   1st special section.

Artist: Pedro Santaeulalia Serán.

Cost:   900.000 Euros.

Heigth:  30 metres.


Click this link to see Child Falla Nou Campanar

Click this link to see Video Falla Nou Campanar


It's a long time that stories are fashionable. Just look around and notice how many tall stories.


"Whichever story." "Rumors on the race".
"This is the story of a falla that is not about stories, but 'stories' that people tell when they live off other people".

Falla Nou Campanar

"A long time ago there was a window that was the reality, and through it slipped in everyday a great dragoon named 'truth', that made off with whoever that made business with lies".


Falla Nou Campanar

"The story tellers fled from the reality as if it was a ringworm, and continued selling stories, where the lies, the invention and the farce formed the central body".

Falla Nou Campanar

"Such was the fear that they had to the claws of the 'Truth', which even nowaday they continue running in front of her without stopping, in such a way that the truth never can reach them. Thus it is saying, and i have seen it."




"How to live off other people. The story of Europio and the inmigrants".
"This was and not was a continent where the welfare state governed. It was a land where everyone wanted to live to enjoy. In that land governed a woman known as 'European Comission' that imposed her laws and her mandate and closed the access doors according to her interests."

Falla Nou Campanar

"Such was the progress and comfort in this land, that towards its borders arrived people coming from far away, and to the gates of the continent was awaiting them the gigant Europio to the orders of the gobern, and only let pass in once identified."

Falla Nou Campanar

"There arrived southamericans from Perú, Equator or Brazil, easterns from China, muslims from Morocco o Algeria, africans from everywhere, and all had to queue at the gate and await as if a great iy todos tenían que hacer cola y a la puerta esperar como si de un gran invader they were".


Falla Nou Campanar

"Watching the scene from outside some could think that this is the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs in version of immigrants. We will not clear the idea to you, but it would be possible to ask yourself who is the sorceress in this story? who is the bad one? who will be? . We reach the end, telled story".



Last update: April 2008 Víctor & Ruth